You Decide If You Live Or Just Survive

You decide if you live or just survive

You decide if you live or just survive. If you allow yourself to be dragged through life and walk on your toes due to all the dangers that exist, or if you take risks and enjoy what life brings. For those who do not take risks do not get anything, and in this life, no matter how much we want it, we can not control everything that happens to us.

You decide if you let your worries control you and if you will be afraid of anything that might happen to you or those you love, or if you accept this uncertainty as part of life.

But if, despite all this, you can not avoid feeling a great deal of worry about many circumstances in your daily life, then you may be suffering from something called generalized anxiety disorder.


You suffer more if you live without living

If you live without living, and try to avoid everything bad, you will eventually suffer without what you fear happening. Expectation is a possible source of suffering, and you are suffering because of something that has not happened and that probably will not do so either.

This constant worry leads to problems with your concentration. You will have a hard time sleeping because you will constantly think of a dramatic future with extreme daily situations and horrific things. You think that the reason your children have not called is that they have had an accident or that you will not be able to perform the tasks that your boss gives you.

All of this will lead to a lower level of performance, which in part implies that you confirm your anxiety and the feeling that constantly makes you worry. This leads to a vicious circle that intensifies your discomfort and anxiety, because if you have anxiety, you will perform worse.

The reason for this is anxiety, which does not allow you to do things the best way you can, and therefore you feel more irritated than usual.

This is also supplemented by physical changes that anxiety causes in our bodies, such as muscle tension and fatigue. So if you have constant muscle pain, or you can not exercise as much as otherwise, it may be because the anxiety leaves its mark on your body.


You decide if you live your life

You decide if you want to live your life. If you accept that everyone, without exception, will suffer at some point in life, and that those who worry do nothing but aggravate their situation, then you can get out of this vicious cycle.

There are many people who do not live out their dreams because they are too busy to be afraid. You can decide what kind of person you will be, one of those who live and enjoy every second of his life or a person who does not live because he is worried about suffering.

You can start living as soon as you start focusing on all the amazing opportunities that life gives you and that you let disappear in this moment, just by being paralyzed by fear. Enjoy everything, even the little things, because we do not know what will happen tomorrow. Think of the fact that no matter what happens, we only have one life!

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