You Can Not Choose Your Emotions, But You Can Handle Them

You can not choose your emotions, but you can handle them

Feeling jealous, angry or sad is as natural as breathing. There are certain emotions that belong to the human condition. You can not choose your emotions. But sometimes we are ashamed to know them. Rejecting these feelings, or not knowing how to express them, sometimes makes us feel very anxious.

To always want to be able to choose your emotions or control them is doomed to fail, no matter how hard you try. But you should be careful about what you do and say when you feel certain emotions. This is your responsibility.

Thus, you should remember that things will not always go the way you want them to go. This will prevent you from becoming frustrated, angry or depressed that everything is not under your control. All that is just a waste of time and energy. You can not control or choose your emotions. But the good news is that you can control what you do with them. Let’s dig a little deeper…

Emotions have a deep-seated message – they tell you that something is happening in your life. In some cases, this “something” needs your attention. For example; Anxiety warns you that danger may be imminent. Grief arises after experiencing a loss that you must accept. The key is to learn to decode your emotions so that you get to know yourself better and can make conscious decisions to act appropriately.

All emotions are useful, which is why you do not have to fight them. On the contrary, you should try to know them, understand them and listen to them. Only then will you be able to come up with the right strategies to meet the problems and difficulties that arise.

Woman face with flowers

As you can see now, you should not be afraid when you experience negative emotions such as sadness, frustration or jealousy. If you know how to focus these emotions, they will help you deal with the problem in question. They help you grow. However, if these negative feelings become so intense that you are unable to deal with them, you should seek professional help. A trained professional can help you avoid damaging your relationships and yourself.

You must not forget positive emotions either. The most powerful of them all: happiness. These types of emotions are adaptable as long as you express them in a balanced way. Their message informs us that we are in a good and auspicious time in our lives. They are messengers of well-being.

There is no magic formula for knowing how to experience your emotions. However, it is never good to reject your feelings or to try to control them. This leads to altered emotional states that only cause harm. Our desire to be perfect distances us from being authentic. You’re not a robot, you’re not superhuman. You are a person, and people feel all kinds of emotions.

Woman who feels emotions

When your feelings become too intense or last too long, it is because something is wrong with how you experience them. Maybe because you are trying to control something that is uncontrollable. You probably tell yourself that things have to be different, but they will not always be the way you want them to be. Nor will people act according to your values ​​and principles. You should always remember that.

The only thing you have under your control is how you handle what you feel. To accomplish this, the first thing you need to do is identify it. Then reflect on how you can channel the feeling in a healthier way. Use it to contribute to your personal growth. In other words, practice taking responsibility for your emotions.

What you experience thus depends on the situation you are in. Choosing what to do with your emotions is your responsibility, as is your bridge to emotional well-being. Finally, it is not so much about choosing your emotions, but knowing how to handle your emotions.

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