Why Do People End Even Though They Love Each Other?

It takes more than love to make a relationship work. Just because you love someone does not mean that you automatically become happier or that you can more easily solve everyday problems. That is why many people in relationships break up even though they love each other.
Why do people end up even though they love each other?

How do you explain that people go their separate ways even though they love each other ? This is not uncommon. Maybe you have even experienced this yourself and been forced to leave someone you love. This kind of breakup is about more than just differences, communication problems or lack of enthusiasm.

People who love each other have a tendency to break up and then find their way back to each other repeatedly before they finally end their relationship. They break up and then they try to resume the relationship. The reasoning is often: “This does not work, let’s give each other some space” and “Let’s try again. This time we will succeed. ” Unfortunately, this is not something that seems to work. When a relationship is on the verge of falling in love, it becomes painful. All the actions you take to keep the relationship alive only make the wounds deeper.

The author Françoise Sagan emphasized that love for a human being does not only consist of wanting to be with her, but that one must also understand her and be able to relate to her reality. Perhaps this is the main reason why you cut someone out of your life that you really love. Letting your partner go is the only way for them to be themselves and avoid constant suffering.

There are various reasons why people break up even though they love each other

Reasons why some people end their relationship even though they love each other

For much of your life (especially when you were young) you probably thought that love was like a glue that held everything together. But as you grew older and gained more experience, you came to realize that love could not actually overcome everything . Unfortunately, this is not the magic ingredient in a happy relationship.

To understand why people stick together or break up, it is wise to go back to some of John Gottman’s classic studies. For the past 40 years, both John Gottman and Robert Levenson have studied the dynamics of relationship relationships through therapy, interviews, questionnaires, and follow-ups.

From these it appears that although long and happy relationships seem as complex as a Rubik’s cube, the principles are much simpler than one might think. If you understand the basic factors that cause two people to break away from each other even though they love each other, then romantic relationships become easier to understand. Let’s take a closer look at some of these causes.

We have different goals in life

You choose to enter into a relationship with one of several different reasons, including passion, attraction, friendship, understanding and personal chemistry. However, you can still feel that there is a large gap that does not shrink, a pain that does not ease.

Your life goals can be an obstacle to your perfect relationship. For you, your work is everything. All your future plans revolve around your career. Your partner, on the other hand, is more focused on having children. He is not as enthusiastic about your professional ambitions.

I love you, but I do not understand you

Understanding another person means that you can sit in their seat and connect to an external reality. This may seem basic and natural, but it can be extremely difficult to achieve with a love partner. It is not always that love can, or wants to, understand.

You do not appreciate me

Another common reason for couples to break up is that one of the parties does not feel valued enough. This is a situation where time is consuming a relationship in a very tangible way. When you have been with someone for a while, you start to take things for granted. It can be the partner’s actions, efforts, small gestures, virtues, etc.

Even if your partner does not have to feel obligated to give you praise, it is impossible to avoid the fact that confirmation and recognition are important in a healthy relationship.

Communication problems

Communication is very important in a relationship. Knowing how to listen, speaking in a purposeful way, being able to disagree without letting go of emotions and being willing to make concessions are the cornerstones of any relationship. Poor communication is therefore another reason why people who love each other end a relationship.

Many people end a relationship because they do not feel appreciated

Many give up when faced with trials

Your relationship does not exist in a vacuum. This means that it is not spared from events and circumstances that appear in your life. In fact, you have to deal with your and your partner’s families and especially with your parents. The bond between parents and children can sometimes be so strong that it inhibits a relationship. 

In addition, there are a number of obstacles in your professional and social life that can stand in the way of your love affair. Infidelity, temptation or jealousy can cast doubt on either or both partners.

Sometimes you end up in situations that reveal your true self. An illness, a legal problem… When you see how your partner reacts to these challenges, you can get a different idea about him or her.

In summary, it can be said that it is difficult to know what makes people separate, even though they love each other. But as you understand from this article, it is not enough to love each other to maintain a relationship.

Relationships are something you build. You have to design them with great care and use the best material available. This is how you get a stable, beautiful and long-lasting relationship.

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