When A Door Is Closed, A New


When a door is closed, a new one opens

Life is full of opportunities, you just have to catch them. That is why today we are going to talk about opening a door. Sometimes we think that when a door is closed, the whole world will collapse. However, there is another way of looking at this, and that is that we can be lucky and experience a new opportunity with new adventures.

We will therefore give you something to reflect on. We must ask ourselves why doors are closed and what experience and wisdom we get from this; something that we can then use to open new doors and meet new opportunities.

Woman and bird

How come a door closes?

Have you ever wondered why a door closes? Do not forget that we are talking figuratively here. A physical door can be closed automatically, by the force of the wind or by us or someone else pressing it…

Here we will instead talk about the figurative doors in human life. Why do the doors close or why do we close them? There are many different scenarios that can arise. Here we have some:

  • A relationship ends. We can think that if there is no longer anything to fight for in the relationship, then a door has been closed. Where there used to be flames and passion, there is not even embers or ashes.
  • A friendship ends. Sometimes someone we thought was a good friend can disappoint us so deeply that we can not forgive this person. A door closes so we can avoid getting hurt.
  • An employment is terminated. Many times we are not happy with our jobs, or other job opportunities arise, and we choose to leave our job to seek new opportunities. Sometimes these decisions are painful and difficult to make.

What happens when a door closes?

Most of the time a door closes, it means a lot of pain. If we have to leave our partner, if the friendship ends, if we have to leave a job that we enjoy, if we have to move from our hometown… all this can make us feel sad.

Girl in water

However, we must consider the circumstances that have led us to these closed doors. Why have we come to where we are now? What has happened that has forced us to separate from our partner, a person who was the center of our lives? Why do we have to leave a city where we feel happy?

New doors are opening

Reflect a little on the decisions you make, and why you have come to this situation. As you do this, new opportunities will be discovered that you can take advantage of. Deal with these situations because there is still a lot to do.

Have you experienced something bad that made you close a door on someone you have previously loved, someone who meant a lot to you? This will give you experience before the moment when a new door opens. You can then look to the future with optimism and discover new opportunities.

You have more experience and wisdom. Use this to understand when you did something bad, so you can avoid doing it again. Learn from the path you have walked before, and strengthen your new path with this wisdom. Take advantage of the opportunities that life gives you.

Nothing ends. Even when you lose a great love, life will not end. There is still a lot to do, there are still many doors to open, adventures to discover, people to get to know, jobs to start, cities to visit…

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