What Is The Clay Person Syndrome And How Does It Work?

What is the clay person syndrome and how does it work?

The clay person syndrome means that the person devotes a great deal of time to taking care of others, while at the same time ignoring his or her own well-being. This interesting phenomenon affects not only how the person feels, but also the people who care about this person.

People with this syndrome neglect their own well-being to think about the needs of others. They not only worry about meeting other needs, but also have the ability to know what those needs are. They are therefore always very attentive to the people they have around them.

Caring for the problems of others is a great way to strengthen your relationships. But be careful! As with everything else, it can have negative consequences if you become too extreme. The following text explains some of the characteristics of someone who has the clay person syndrome.

They forget their own desires and needs

People with this syndrome give so much to others that they forget their own needs, which in the end can be exhausting. It is very difficult, if not impossible, for someone to meet their own needs if the person does not think about them.

Man and woman holding a heart.

They do not expect to receive anything from others

This behavior can have many benefits on a social level. These people give to others without expecting anything in return.

This lack of getting something in return sets them apart from toxic people who use their offers as a way to get what they want from others. Toxic people only do services when they feel they need something from the other person.

They are very generous people

Smiling people tend to confuse generosity with self-denial. It is positive to be generous, but if you are too extreme you can become vulnerable to manipulative people who are willing to take advantage of this generosity.

They are very helpful

Individuals who suffer from this symptom often become instruments for others. They may also feel bad when they look around and do not see that they can meet someone’s needs. They then feel worthless. It is as if their self-esteem is affected by how much they can help others.

Person extending hand.

To increase your self-esteem and start prioritizing your own needs, you can follow a few simple strategies:

  • If someone asks you for a job, think about the answer. Reflect on what it means to satisfy that person.
  • If you want to say no, just do it. This can be difficult, but if you show strength and self-esteem, and explain your motives in a good way, then no one needs to get angry about this.
  • Put the feelings of guilt aside. Even if you feel bad about not doing something for another person, you should keep in mind that it is the best decision for yourself because you also have your own needs.

If you recognize yourself in the above exposition, you should remember that you have needs that you can only satisfy yourself. This is an important part of your emotional balance. Ultimately, the clay person syndrome is a form of addiction. Start taking care of yourself!

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