Unpack Your Emotional Backpack

Unpack your emotional backpack

Everyone carries an emotional backpack that holds the importance of certain life experiences. The content includes memories and experiences of different sizes that we have not let go of and that are reflected in our eyes.

If you do not learn to empty your emotional backpack of all toxic and negative experiences, it will become heavier as time goes on, and it can have major consequences for your mood and your relationships.

In today’s world, we tend to overload ourselves, not only when it comes to work, but also from an emotional point of view. Every experience we go through leaves a mark on us in one way or another. The important thing is that this brand pushes us to grow rather than chain ourselves to the past and its emotional weight.

Your emotional backpack

Feeling guilty, betrayed, abandoned, criticized, empty or frustrated can weigh you down and prevent you from having fun. Experiences that give you scars and transform you are part of your story, so how can you get rid of this weight if it comes from a formative time in your life?

Look through your emotional backpack and reflect on what you have in it, both what you have put there and what others have dumped. Take your time. Even if you can not see it, it is there every day. Realize that most of your emotional reactions have to do with the weight you carry. To relieve yourself, you must learn to distinguish between what is helpful and what is not. Letting your backpack overflow is an obstacle to any kind of success you want to achieve.

Do not let your backpack get overcrowded to the point where you can barely move and life in general weighs you down. Do not lose the will to move forward and do not leave the present in the hands of the past. Also do not be obsessed with forgetting, to forget is not a friend of intent.

But no matter how inconvenient and complicated it may be, you need to take out what you are wearing so that you can learn to grow with it, rather than being chained to it. The first step involves realizing what weighs you down and accepting it.

Feet among feathers

You may be overwhelmed by feelings of identity and attachment that initially prevent you from losing weight in your emotional backpack. The dizziness you feel is fear masked by routine. You have become so used to these wounds that if they were not there, you would feel as if you were not someone and an emptiness would begin to develop. But believe me, it’s just the fear of uncertainty, the unknown, of letting go.

Learn to let go of everything that weighs you down and drains you of energy. Accept your mistakes, identify and get to know your feelings, let your dreams spread their wings, discover your strengths, value yourself and learn above all to grow is to accept and learn from the things that affect you, rather than fight against them . Remember that in order to let go, you not only have to say goodbye, but also be grateful for what you have learned and move forward.

Letting go of the weight in your emotional backpack that makes you paralyzed is a big step towards allowing new emotions and experiences to come in. Some of them will help you continue to grow, and others you will need to heal from again, but that’s life. Drop the weight for your own good.

Main picture from Lucy Campbell.

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