True Friendship Exists Even When We Are Separated

True friendship exists even when we are separated

True friendship does not require a daily review to know if it exists or if it has run into the sand. There is no pressure to do anything to keep it alive or to monitor it.

True friendships are formed with the help of magical coincidences where you are also offered freedom and space. Relationships are strengthened by trust and honest feelings. It is the same as saying without words “I do not owe you anything and I owe you everything” and “I am always here if you need anything”.

It is possible that you have a friend that you have known since you were little. That person you were on an adventure with, played games with or played hide and seek with. Or it may have happened that life has recently given you a new friend that you feel you can share everything with.

It’s about relationships that persist with unimaginable magic, no matter what happens. Have you ever experienced one like this?

No matter how long it takes, no matter how far the distance is between us… you will always have me here


Life goes up and down many times. We never know what will happen next. Sudden changes can occur in both our professional life and our private life. Sometimes we have to be far away from our friends.

This has probably happened to you at some point, and it is during these events that we grow as human beings because we then know who means the most in life.

  • There are those who need a daily contact, an interaction that fills their voids. They value this proximity highly.
  • This constant contact will not always work, especially when you have to be apart due to reasons that have to do with work or personal life.
  • There is then an increased risk of losing these friends. For example, you hear things like “so now you do not have time for me anymore”, “you are almost never online”, “you do not tell me everything that you used to do before”.

In addition, there are people who understand and respect this. They will always care and their friendship is honest, and we do not have to do anything. No words are needed to understand how things are, and they will always be a part of us.


Short-term and long-term friendship

You should not worry about leaving people behind. It is part of our personal development because it means that we can continue with less weight on the mind and with a great power in our heart.

There are friendships that come and go, like the wind in the spring. They bring with them experiences that make us happy and they are like a fresh scent that you can think back on.

There are other friendships that bring bad experiences. People who are selfish and who let one down.

However, you should not feel bad about having had bad experiences with certain people because there are also good friends out there.

True friendship offers freedom without compromise. It is a relationship based on reciprocity, gratitude and trust.

You may now be thinking back on some of these friendships that you have had in life, where a good person has been forgotten. Do not hesitate to contact this person again. If it was a true friendship with magic and openness, then it’s something you can experience again. For true friendship exists no matter how many miles there are between you.

Photos by Jim Joo and Claudia Tremblay.

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