Today I Choose To Smile And Not Be Bitter About Anything Or Anyone

Today I choose to smile and not be bitter about something or someone

Today I have decided not to be bitter about life, because it is not worth suffering for no reason, because I have understood that it is completely wrong to believe that happiness depends on what others do.

According to a study conducted at a university in California, which was then published in the journal “Psychology Today”, almost 40% of our capacity to be happy depends on simply being able to change. However, most of us go through the same situations, and as a consequence we become bitter in life.

The key to discovering a little more of happiness in daily life lies in something as simple as controlling the inner dialogue that starts when something happens. Let’s explain.


I have decided not to be bitter about life: now I do not need anything

It may surprise you, but there are many who base their lives on needs, and to meet those needs they have to achieve one thing after another: “I have to get my partner to agree to this”, “I need it where the job ”,“ I need that phone ”,“ I need to be happier ”…

These types of thoughts create a bitter existence and also an insecurity in one’s life. If I want my partner to do what I want, I will probably not be satisfied or I will have to look for something new I want.

Instead of basing your existence on needs that you have to fill, it is better to start with yourself, and feel good about who you are.

However, you have to differentiate between different needs, and also understand that the people you have around you will not always change just because you do not like what they do. If you do not tolerate your colleague at work, you should keep your distance and deactivate everything negative that provokes you.

Do not allow yourself to be more bitter than necessary. Practice the expression “I have chosen not to be bitter about life: now I need nothing”.


The art of making life bitter

Paul Watzlawick was an Austrian psychologist and philosopher who wrote the book “Pragmatics of Human Communication” and who also made us reflect in the book “The Situation Is Hopeless But Not Serious (The Pursuit of Unhappiness)”. In the latter, he addresses the mechanisms that humans have for transforming daily life into something unbearable.

Watzlawick did something very original in his book. He avoided classic recipes in the style of “to be happy you have to…”, which is found in most books for self-help, and instead suggested the following in an ironic way:

  • Stay in the past in a way that makes you unable to enjoy the present
  • Make a forecast of what will happen and what you are afraid of, and assume that it is true that all this will happen.
  • Avoid any dangerous situation even if others try to make you see that there is nothing dangerous with this situation.
  • Convince yourself that there is only one correct opinion, yours, and confirm that the whole world is going to the forest.
  • No matter how the world changes, it is always better to use the strategies that worked in the past.

Change your thoughts to change your feelings

The art of becoming bitter over life simply consists of the ability to generate negative emotions. Betrayal, discomfort and anger are emotions that can make one very unhappy.

  • Remember that the emotional states determine one’s actions and that this in turn depends on what one thinks. If someone gets you off balance, you should try to change that first thought that comes up when you have to deal with that person.
  • Control your irrational thoughts and create a constructive inner dialogue, which is both objective and positive.
  • In order not to become bitter in life, it is important that you train yourself to open your mind and to be aware of what you should change.

If you are a person who has difficulty leaving your comfort zone, and who cannot reformulate certain ideas and perceptions, it will be very difficult to create a change. You therefore become the greatest force that prevents your own personal and emotional freedom. Think about this.

I have decided not to be bitter in life, and to change the way I think about what is around me. From now on, I will not be bitter about anything or anyone.


Pictures from Art 3 Scenic and Nina de San.

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