To Project To Make Your Dreams Come True

To project to make your dreams come true

Projecting into the future is not easy, but it is necessary to move forward in life and not be blocked and stuck with a problem, the current state of your life or the past.

For our desires to become a reality, we must take a step forward by believing in them and directing all our energy into projecting them. It is important to solve problems from the past so that we do not carry unnecessary weight that can prevent us from moving from the past into the future.

In order to move forward, it is necessary for us to review our burdens. These are what we accumulate during life, and they can prevent us from getting where we want to go.

For this reason , it is necessary to look to the past when there are still problems to address or emotions to fix. Only when this happens will we be able to allow ourselves to advance without burdens but with all the lessons we have experienced so far.

Woman by tree

It can be said that, contrary to what people say to us, it is sometimes necessary to look to the past. Not with the attitude that we drown, are hindered, blocked or suffer from it, but to address unresolved emotions so that we can move on to new experiences and let go of what is holding us back.

In the past, there are footprints of our journey. Those who will redirect our lives to the most appropriate path when they are properly defined. We will be aware of them and discover who we are thanks to the experiences we have had and the lessons we have learned along the way.

To project into the future, it is important to be calm and connected with oneself. To do this, it is vital to rediscover our essence, discover what will make us happy and find out what our dreams and deepest desires are. To achieve this, we must free ourselves from everything that has limited us in life: suffering, burdens, and self-imposed boundaries.

To rediscover ourselves is to reach the depths of our soul to know what we want. To get there, we must dive into the emotions that are blocking or making us suffer, get rid of them, and keep moving forward.

Once we have freed ourselves from the accumulated burdens of the past, the suffering and the blockages that depress us, we can focus on the present. And from there we can build a new path to the future. The future begins in the present with what we have learned from the past. Living in the present is the only starting point for fulfilling our desires in the future.

Tulips in the sun

Every time we let ourselves enjoy life, it is a step in the right direction, and one that is guaranteed to lead to our dreams. Being happy in the present indicates that we are on the right track and that it will be easier for us to project our lives towards the goals we want to meet.

To project means to visualize yourself, set goals and consciously and subconsciously search for ways to reach them. When “we are where we want to go” means “we are there with all our energy”, so every event in the present is identified as a step towards what we want.

If our mind “is there”, it is very easy to find the way there because we are constantly trying to achieve just this, day and night. We will certainly reach it, no matter how long it takes us, because the search for the way there is worth it.

We can dive into our subconscious mind through techniques that allow us to immerse ourselves in and deepen our emotions, or through our intuition: to discover our inner guidance to make the right decision.

Each step will take us closer to our destination and our happiness. As we pursue our dreams and deepest desires, we will achieve them if we project ourselves from the present, resolve distractions from the past, and put all our energy into the journey, without stopping, until we succeed.


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