To Express His Love For Someone Who Is No Longer There

To express their love for someone who is no longer there

Just because someone you love dies does not mean that the love for the person dies. It is important to express your love even when you have to grieve. It is also necessary to express their love to the people who are no longer with us during this process.

Everyone knows that there is a personal mourning process, but there is also a social process that has to do with funerals, condolences, visits, etc. That process is currently very short. People assume that within a few days you must be ready to return to a “normal” life and that you must do everything you can to forget. You have to try to push that difficult experience aside because others in the environment are disturbed by mourning for too long.

Sometimes you manage to adapt to those social mandates and return to your normal routine in a short time. You may feel like crying after seeing a beautiful sunset, but you do not. It can also happen that something inside you does not want to say goodbye and then it really starts to become difficult to live with yourself and others. It is possible that in both cases we need to express our love for those who are no longer with us.

None of the people we have loved die. Some of them always remain within us even if we are not aware of this. Each of us has a piece of them within us, even if one feels their absence. Our love does not die either.

Man made up of birds.

Therefore, in all cultures there have been traditions to honor the people who have died. In the western world, it has long been common to visit graves and plant flowers and pray. Not everyone does this anymore. People do not want to be in cemeteries. We run out of ways to express our love for those we love who have passed away.

The things we do to honor the dead are not just conventional. It is a way to express their love for the people who are no longer there. It seems that it would have been much more appropriate to say that these things are rituals that help us deal with their passing. They help us remember them, even if it can hurt.

Getting caught up in our pain is as dangerous as avoiding it. The people who are no longer here, especially if we loved them deeply or if they played an important role in our lives, are still here with us.

They come back to us when we feel lonely and when we mourn. They come back suddenly, in the form of a sadness that does not go away or a feeling of helplessness. For this reason, all cultures have honored the people who have passed away. They knew it was very important to express their love for them.

Woman and clouds.

It is said that people are fundamentally present, and this is generally true, but it would have been more appropriate to say that we are above all the past. We are a story that continues to be told day after day. It is therefore important not to forget the people who came before us.

One of the most beautiful traditions in the world is ” Day of the Dead ” in Mexico. It is a celebration that is a mixture of a ritual and a carnival. Every first November, the population remembers their loved ones who have passed away. Their photographs are displayed and they become protagonists in the world of the living again.

In Mexico, people write letters to them, set up altars and pray for them. They also go to the cemeteries and sing for their loved ones. They make these ghosts visible and talk to them. And they honor them by declaring that it is impossible to forget them.

To express their love for the people who have passed away.

We should all have our own rituals to honor the people who have passed away and express our love for them. It will then be easier for us to accept their death even though we still have emotional ties with those who cannot even destroy death.

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