To Escape By Traveling

Each trip creates the illusion of the opportunity to escape from their routine. Perhaps this will lead you to try to avoid discomfort by setting off on a long journey without an end date. However, this is rarely the case.
To escape by traveling

We humans live in a complex world. A world where unpleasant experiences are a fundamental part of reality. Although discomfort is a natural part of life, some schools of thought insist that you can let go of your yoke and leave it behind. Escape is a solution for people who seek change, the result is sometimes a long journey.

It is quite common to hear someone say that they are tired of everything and want to escape. Some people actually follow up on that thought. Thus, they make a journey where they leave everything behind. In other words, they mainly embark on this journey to escape from their reality.

People travel for different reasons. Some do it for their own personal growth, while others do it to escape. The first reason is rooted in a healthy desire to broaden one’s horizons and see the world. The latter usually arises through an idealization of one’s destiny due to dissatisfaction with one’s present life and perhaps due to confusion.

A backpacker on top of a mountain.

To escape – distance and time

There is a subtle yet profound difference between distancing oneself from a problem in order to come back and seeing it from a different perspective. But it is another thing to refuse to confront the problems by fleeing. The complicated part is that people do not always realize whether they are doing the first or the latter.

A trip is one of those occasions that allows one to either change one’s perspective or to escape. In one way or another, each trip disconnects a person from his or her usual routine with associated problems. The disconnection becomes more radical when a person begins a long journey without the thought of returning.

How healthy or neurotic this option is depends on both the person’s motivation and purposes. If the motivation is to break with everything that creates discomfort, then their journey is probably a cover to escape. If the purpose is to find that happy place where everything will be perfect, they are probably just looking to just escape.

To escape or to travel

People travel for personal growth, when they want to experience something new or when they are curious about the world and want to discover it. It has nothing to do with their daily problems but with a strong desire to broaden their perspectives. They want to learn about life and they have planned the trip because they like to plan. Their journey has nothing to do with a desire to escape conflicts and it is part of their personal growth.

On the contrary, the reason you are planning an escape trip is that you are exhausted. Mainly with a desire to avoid dealing with their problems and to leave behind things you do not like. You do not try to “write a new page”. Instead, they try to “erase” previous chapters.

Travel planning is relatively redundant and has much more to do with movement than reason. The reasons are usually frequent silences, screams and slammed doors.

The real difficulty here is that people can escape from almost anything but themselves. It is common for the problems they want to leave behind to be repeated in the new place. The environment changes but the reality they experience remains the same. In fact, everything will probably only get worse.

A woman is thinking by the river bank.

The inner journey

There are times when people resist introspection because they do not want to give up certain fantasies. Because they are afraid to dig into the open wounds that they think will never heal. They probably do not flee from cowardice or because they are weak. They do it because they see it as an effective solution. But it is not.

New experiences are wonderful when you travel because you get the illusion of having a different life. But things change as days, weeks and months go by. No place on earth is free from sorrow, disappointment, selfishness, envy, anger and anything else you do not see at first glance.

Finally, when the pleasure of the news is over, the discomfort returns quickly. It can manifest itself in other ways, but it is there. Therefore, you may think that you are following the wrong fate, that your hidden treasure is in another place, in another country or on another continent. Thus, you may embark on another journey to escape.

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