Three Fantastic Short Stories To Think About

These three stories address the importance of looking beyond the obvious. If we only look at the surface, we will not see the hidden aspects.
Three fantastic short stories to think about

Today we will give you three fantastic short stories to think about. They are all anonymous. However, people have been talking about them for so many years that they have almost become part of our cultures.

The purpose of all of them is to give us an important lesson.

These three fantastic stories address situations where two different realities meet. One of them is on the surface, which is why it seems to be reality. The other is hidden. That’s why you do not discover it immediately.

All of these short stories have a purpose. They want us to understand that not everything is always as it seems.

If we really want to understand the world, we must ask ourselves about the reasons behind what we have around us.

The frog and the rose – one of the fantastic short stories we want you to think about

This story is about balance. Once upon a time there was a red rose. Everyone could see it and everyone said it was the most beautiful rose in the whole garden. Rosen felt happy after hearing all these compliments.

However, she wanted to be seen up close. She did not understand why everyone was looking at her from a distance.

Red rose with drops.

One day the rose noticed that a large frog was sitting very close. The frog was not handsome at all, with its dull color and its ugly spots. His eyes were also so big that he scared everyone.

Rosen then realized that no one came near her as long as this animal was nearby.

She immediately asked the frog to leave. How did it come about that the frog did not realize what impression she gave people because of him. The frog did not want to be a nuisance and jumped from there immediately.

After a few days, the rose began to break down. Her leaves fell off and no one wanted to look at her anymore. All of a sudden a lizard walked past her and saw that the rose was crying.

He asked her what had happened and she said that the ants were killing her. The lizard then said something that the rose already knew: “The frog ate the ants and kept you beautiful”.

Fantastic short stories: the tale of two frogs

This story addresses the impact of others’ opinions on us. There was once a large group of frogs who always jumped into the woods together and played and had fun.

They sang and jumped until nightfall. They always laughed a lot and you could not tell them apart.

One day they decided to go to a new forest. All of a sudden when they were playing, three of them fell into a deep pit that none of them had noticed before.

The others were shocked. They looked at the bottom of the pit and saw that it was too deep. “We have lost them,” they said.

The three frogs that had fallen tried to climb along the walls, but it was very difficult. They fell all the time.

The others began to say that it was pointless. How would they manage to climb up such a high wall? They thought they would simply give up and that there was nothing more to do.

Two of the frogs heard its comments and began to give up. They thought the others were right. The third frog, on the other hand, continued to climb and fall, but after a few hours it managed to get up.

The others were surprised. One of them asked, “How did you do that?” but the frog did not answer. It was deaf.

Frog sitting on branch.

Save the lion

The last story addresses fear. It begins on a beautiful savannah in Africa where a lion had just lost its flock. He had been walking from one place to another for 20 days in a row and could not find them.

The lion was hungry and thirsty, but at the same time very afraid of being alone.

He finally saw a pond with fresh water and ran towards it with all his might. He was dying of thirst and needed to drink at all costs. But when he arrived, he saw a large face in the water.

So he decided to run away. “The dam already has an owner,” he thought. That night he decided to stay nearby, but he did not dare go back to the pond.

If the lion that owned the place showed up, he would probably attack him. And in his condition, he could not fight anyone. Another day passed and the sun was very intense.

In the end, he could not stand the thirst anymore and decided to take the risk. So he carefully approached the pond, and when he reached it he saw the lion again. However, he was so thirsty that he did not care.

He stuck his head down to drink the water. Then the lion disappeared all of a sudden: the lion he had seen was his own reflection. This is how fears are: they often disappear when we face them.

fantastic short stories: the tale of the lion

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