The Wanderer’s 10 Commandments: A Book About How You Are Yourself

The Wanderer's 10 Commandments: a book about how you are yourself

The Ten Commandments of the Wanderer (Spanish: El decálogo del caminante) is one of the most inspiring books ever born from a Spanish pen.

The author is Manuel Pimentel, the former Minister of Labor who left the position because he did not agree with his government’s policy, and a true guru in human relations.

In this book, Pimentel captures ten beautiful commandments that invite people to be themselves, follow their dreams and desires and to always look for a way to go beyond themselves to live life in all its depth, while finding the much sought after happiness.

Walks barefoot

Below we will take a deep dive into the lessons from Manuel Pimentel’s fantastic book The Wanderer’s Ten Commandments. These are ten ideas that can make your life happier and more fulfilling…

  • First: The Wanderer’s Ten Commandments invite us to have dreams, ideals and goals. They will be the things that point out our destiny and give a raison d’être to the efforts made in the search for our individual life paths.
  • Others: It is important to set goals that can be achieved; otherwise we will be crushed by them, and it can be turned into frustrating martyrdom. On the other hand, they must not be too simple because it can make us comfortable and bored.
  • Third: Do not let happiness show itself only when you have made your goals a reality. You have to enjoy every step, take advantage of every detail you find day by day.
  • Fourth: Keep your feet on the ground, but trust your talent and let yourself be swept away by your dreams. Hast is not a good advisor; you can only get past rocks that want to drop you one step at a time. Look ahead to the hopeful horizon to keep your path smooth and free. Furthermore, it is important not to take shortcuts. Follow your path with certainty in what you do.
Butterfly by tree
  • Sixth: Another beautiful lesson we learn in the Ten Commandments of the Wanderer is related to the big picture. Your path must integrate the difficult times with the happy ones. Do not isolate the bad experiences and do not remain immobile in them. Create your own sea with everything you have experienced and learn from the past so that the future can be more hopeful.
  • Seventh: If you run on another hiker, he will recognize everything you project. Maybe you think you are in a way, but he will see your true nature through your actions and behaviors. Stop making excuses and take responsibility for the way you go through life.
  • Eighth: Be coherent. Your person and your personality must always be united so that you can feel better. Otherwise, the road will be much harder and more difficult.
  • Ninth: Your actions are the ones that will write your life’s work. Your personality and you are one and the same. With that said, you should evolve according to your ideals and dreams, and let the protagonist of your existence be the one who is always there, steady in the background.
  • Tenth: Always remember that you are not walking alone on this road. Along the paths and tracks you will encounter other people who, like you, follow their paths in pursuit of dreams and ideals. Be generous and help others. Let them also give you a helping hand.

In his work, Manuel Pimentel wanted to capture ten commandments for life. With his work, he sought to set standards that he felt would make the existence of others a more fulfilling and happier path. He established principles for a wonderful way of being himself in the face of difficulties, but also in times of joy.

If you find yourself getting lost in life without knowing which way to go or in which direction to go, then do not forget to use the lessons above from the Ten Commandments of the Wanderer by Manuel Pimentel.

Find the route of your dreams and follow it while enjoying every step of the way you must follow until you reach your deepest goals.

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