The Strange Allure Of Impossible Love

The strange allure of impossible love

Who has never given in to the bittersweet allure of impossible love? The first thing that comes to mind is love during adolescence. Many young people have felt something for teachers at school; a platonic love that was satisfied with a look or a smile, which led to a dream of more.

Of course, nothing can result from that. But there was still a strange feeling of pleasure in being able to dream of the possibility of love.

However, the allure of impossible love does not stop there, but can also be about a pop star, actress or other famous person. We can have these feelings for famous people, even though the individual has no idea that we exist.

We perceive them as close to us, but in reality they are light years away. Despite this, many teenagers and even adults experience this.

The true impossible loves, however, are those that begin with a spark, ignite a flame, but unfortunately suffer from bad luck and insurmountable obstacles. They are emotions that are lived intensely and in one way or another die.

The experts on the subject say that there are basically three types of impossible love. The first is “ghost love”, the second is “narcissistic love” and the third is “difficult love”.

  • The first refers to cases where you fall in love with someone who does not exist (as you see him). You have to love someone and you give that person character traits and virtues that the person does not really have. This person is almost always a way to fill in gaps in childhood.
Impossible love can fill gaps
  • The second refers to impossible narcissistic love. Their impossibility lies in the fact that you will never be able to get it. You spend your whole life searching for a perfect partner because you feel that is what you deserve. However, you will never find it. It is a love of emptiness, a desire for an elevated version of one’s own ego. When you love in this way, you will only experience loneliness. You will never find the one who makes your imagination a reality.
  • In conclusion, love is often impossible due to difficulties and obstacles. These are loves that are hard to bear. There are specific circumstances that make them very complex. The other person may be busy, or it may be someone who can not fall in love with you. In other cases, there may be strong religious or ideological aspects.

In the last group we include cases of loving relationships where one dies. The partner dies, but the love that unites them does not die. At least not as long as you are in the conflict of loving someone who no longer exists.

If there are no other emotional problems, these impossible loves can be overcome over time.

It is this impossible love that leads us to discover the poet who lives within us all. The most pragmatic has never experienced it, but he has missed an experience that is both horrific and fantastic.

All love needs some form of impossibility for the flame to continue burning. And when this impossibility is experienced, the soul burns, but so does our creativity and the impulse to live and die in the same moment.

The poet within us

The allure of impossible love is like a tragedy. At least that’s how it feels when you fight to make it a reality. It fills you with anguish, and you find yourself in a paradox where you can not leave the person, but neither can he win. You experience suffering and joy at the same time, bliss and abyss.

But after all, the allure of impossible love is something that cannot be denied. It puts you to the test, it challenges the deepest parts of you. And one thing is for sure: you will never forget it.

You never remember it with indifference. They fade with time, but never stop beating with a spark that makes the heart skip a beat.

It is only sometimes that impossible love becomes a burden. This happens when you can not let go of the imagination and clings to it convulsively. When you can not accept that it is not meant for it to exist. This can cause great pain and even make you sick, but if you want to learn how to truly love, this impossible love is the best teacher of all.

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