The Sixth Sense: The Voice Of Intuition

The sixth sense: the voice of intuition

The sixth sense is another word for a person’s natural intuition. It is the inner voice that speaks to you from your inner feelings and is not always taken seriously. But ideas that are “felt” can sometimes have much greater value than ideas that are “thought” because they are a reflection of your true self.

It’s good and nice, but… can we really trust the sixth sense? The answer is simple: you have to give it the value it deserves. Intuition consists of ideas that come to the brain unconsciously. In reality, the sixth sense is a search through the sea of ​​one’s consciousness to find the right answer when needed.

Sometimes when you get to know someone, there is an inner voice that tells you that you can not trust this person. When you have to make a decision about something, even after you have thought it through, you assume the opinion that what you felt was right from the beginning. The sixth sense is always there, present but hidden. It is a discreet but guiding force that shapes your reactions and many of the paths you choose in life.

Instead of not trusting it, it is important that you note the implications that intuition has today. Having a higher intuitive intelligence will allow you to go deeper into yourself and adapt better to your environment. This way, you will be more efficient at work and happier in your relationships. We will now explain why.


Intuition and its privileged part of the brain

We know that brain functions are based on connected information. But the brain does not know everything and it often has to improvise. In fact, this is what we do most of the time. It does this based on experience – everything you have seen, felt and interpreted – so that it can develop an intuition about something.

It is important to understand that the sixth sense is an amazing system of survival. You could say it’s like an alarm. When something does not go well or when you need to react quickly, this compass will be activated. Thanks to these gut feelings, you can adapt your behavior to get a more effective response.

In recent years, this subject has aroused great interest, to the extent that we already know exactly what part of the brain this is in. Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis explains that it is located in a region between the two hemispheres. According to experts, this area is connected to the unconscious mind to warn us of certain dangers.



Characteristics of people with a highly developed sixth sense

In 1930, when a reporter asked Albert Einstein if he really believed in his theory of relativity, he replied that “the only thing really valuable is intuition.” He was absolutely certain that his studies were true. He had intuition.

Einstein’s personality and authentic confidence in his work are a good example of the sixth sense. Sometimes you do not have to touch or see anything to believe it. No one has shown it to you, but the path you take feels right and you can feel it. And you do not have to consult a book to know that you love and are loved. Your heart tells you so. Intuition tells you.


It is first and foremost important to understand that the sixth sense can be trained and improved every day. In fact, there are some very interesting books on this subject, such as Educating Intuition by Robin Hogarth and Blink by Malcolm Gladwell.

These authors indicated that it is common for the sixth sense to develop between the ages of 40 and 50. This is a time of inner development, an awakening of one’s feelings and needs. But the general characteristics of the people who have a greater intuition can be summed up as follows:

  • They listen to their inner voice
  • They connect to themselves in solitude and enjoy these moments
  • They are very creative
  • They also tend to be very analytical
  • They observe their surroundings with full attention
  • They listen to their bodies with a specific goal: to be more in line with their bodies and to trust their gut feelings more
  • They take their dreams into account
  • They do not like rules
  • They take risks
  • They make many mistakes and learn from them
  • They are independent

Adopting a perspective on life based on these strategies will guide you along a more liberating path. Because in the end, the intellect is always right, but intuition is seldom wrong.

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