The Pleasure Of Giving And Helping

The pleasure of giving and helping

Life is full of thoughts, feelings, negative people… but even if we sometimes feel tempted to let ourselves be taken over by negativity , we should focus on everything positive that makes us feel good about ourselves.

There are many things that can make us feel good about ourselves, that give us a feeling that can not be compared to anything else. A feeling of satisfaction that produces great joy.

Today you will discover one of life’s greatest pleasures: the pleasure of giving and helping. An act that gives us a feeling of complete satisfaction. What if you started adopting it?

Woman and bird

One of the most common thoughts and actions we commit is to give something and then expect some form of reward for it. You can not call this giving and helping. You will not get the same satisfaction as if you gave freely without expectations.

Have you ever helped or given someone something without expecting anything in return? Did not you feel an inexplicable feeling of well-being? Promoting these little things, which we sometimes consider insignificant, will make us much happier.

A smile on the girl in the grocery store, to help people with the bags when they have too much to carry, to give back a lost bag to someone who walks in front of us…. All this, all these little actions we perform voluntarily, will produce an inexplicable feeling of pleasure and well-being.

There is a saying: “He who gives the most will receive the most” , but only if you do not expect anything in return – some form of reward or reciprocity for your actions. Embrace a generous way of helping others; it is much better to feel good about ourselves and make others feel good too.

Silhouette and night sky

It may have happened to you that you tried to help someone who dismissed your help, and in the end it was as if you did not help at all. We should pay attention and see who really needs our help and who can “manage on their own”, because sometimes people need to go through certain difficulties on their own to become stronger and learn.

There are also people who due to pride or arrogance do not want your help because they feel offended. They think you see them as weak, and that makes them uncomfortable. Do not try to pressure them in these situations. Those who directly dismiss your help do not deserve your continued insistence. If anything, you will only make it worse.

Help and give freely to the people who really deserve it. People close to you or strangers. Giving and helping can also be a great way to make friends, interact with others and discover very special and beautiful people.

And even if you do not receive anything, the pleasure you give when you give to and help others in a selfless way cannot be felt in any other way.

Everything we do influences our future. How can we whine about how bad things are for us if we have acted badly in the past? Kindness and goodness, that’s what really bears fruit. To give and receive smiles, to give and receive kindness.

The world is a place that still has a lot to discover. Positive things. But we should start appreciating the small actions that we do not give enough weight to.

What we give we will receive, in one way or another. Start giving and helping today. How do you feel? Has your life changed? Your life will be much more positive and you will be much happier. Shall we prove it?

Water in hands

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