The Person Who Keeps You On The Ground Is You

The person who keeps you on the ground is you

There are hundreds, maybe thousands of reasons to get out of bed every day. For the job that puts food on the table, for the family that lights up and enriches our lives every morning, for our children, for our partner, for the dreams we are still trying to make come true.

There are many motivations that give us roots in the complex world that spins and that sometimes, without warning, suddenly makes us lost and disoriented. That is when the doubt emerges… What is it that keeps us in this world? Why do things sometimes get out of our control?

The one who keeps you on the ground is you. You with your decisions, you with the strength of your thoughts and your determination. You with the intensity of some well-managed emotions that send out roots to find solid ground and strength…

You have to realize how it really is. What makes you stick to life is not coincidence, nor are the decisions that others make for you.

Fate can be capricious, but you are the one who chooses to open certain doors, the person who must move forward without the weights of others; but the weights that we always find on our individual paths and that can hinder our growth if we do not leave them behind.

Today we want to talk to you about everything in your daily life that keeps you on the ground and how you take control of the inner strength we all have.


What enriches you is what reaches you from the inside and expresses itself outward. There is absolutely no point in dressing up every morning with a fake smile if you feel sad and frustrated inside.

There are those who persevere with the help of false hopes. Through a simple “things will surely change”, “surely they will realize what I am worth and acknowledge me”. Feeding ourselves with hollow feelings and inspirations weakens us irrevocably.

If your roots spread on unstable soil, it will be impossible to maintain a good inner balance. You cannot grow if you are only offered uncertainty, uncertainty and false hope.

Perhaps we are strong and capable adults on the outside, while on the inside we continue to be vulnerable; therefore, we are in need of a daily life where we find recognition, reciprocity, hope and positive emotions.

With that said , you should not put all the responsibility on others. The rest of the world has no obligation to make you happy in exchange for nothing. You too play a big role in this because we are all the authentic creators of our own realities.

We all have dreams and desires, but sometimes we say to ourselves for unclear reasons that ” that train has already passed us or “that is beyond our reach.” Or even worse that “things will work out when the time is right”.

Do not leave your life in the hands of an imprecise fate. What counts is the here and now – a moment where your worst enemy can be yourself through your limiting thoughts.

It does not matter what may have happened in the past: it is the past and no longer exists, nor are you your failures from yesterday. Life needs a dose of courage and a pinch of daring covered with confidence. Change your thoughts and you will change your reality.

What are your strengths / weaknesses? It is possible that you are brave, that your voice is one that speaks the language of truth and further that you try to give everything to others.

Woman by the water

With that said , many of these virtues and values ​​can be neutralized by other people’s influence. In a way, they are skilled harvesters of others’ personal growth.

So it’s not about breaking this rooted connection. It is even possible that it is a very close family member who puts walls around your dreams… Initially, it is not a matter of distancing themselves from them, but rather of depriving them of their power and authority.

Disable their influence over your mind; they are not you and do not wear your shoes. You are the one who has to stay alive with as much energy, emotional strength and self-esteem as possible.

Whatever wind blows negativity, mistrust or bitterness in your direction… ignore it. Let it pass over you without really touching you…

Internal healing is easy to practice and keeps you on your feet every day. Inner healing begins with acknowledging oneself a little more with each passing day. You deserve to be happy; you deserve to be your own priority.

Healing ourselves is also learning: learning to listen, to enrich the inner connection with yourself. To learn from their surroundings, from others. This stimulates your curiosity to nurture new hopes every day. Encourage your mind to be free.

To believe is to create. Change your thoughts to have new experiences and be the guide in your own life. With courage and courage.

Photos by Paula Nicho Cumez.

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