Thank You Letter To My Mother For Her Love

In this article, we share a beautiful thank you note with many thought-provoking passages.
Letter of thanks to my mother for her love

With this thank you letter I want to show how happy I am that I received your love.

Thank you letter to you, my beloved mother

You do not know how much I love you and will love you. Sure, you should be able to imagine it pretty well, because there is no one in this world who can love like you.

I try, I assure you, but I can not express everything that comes to my heart when I think of you. You are so strong and fight against anything that can create unhappiness for those you love the most.

As a child, which was a very long time ago, I thought you were some kind of superhero… and today I am completely convinced that you are. A master of love who has always cared for my wounds, whether they were on my lap or in my heart; your kisses healed all my pain.

My nanny, my nurse, my confessor, the teacher of my life, my eternal companion. You have always known how to alleviate my insomnia and my anxiety, and one day you will tell me how you got this skill. Being your daughter is a great privilege, and I want my children to feel the same way.

Even though you sometimes felt defeated, I see in your eyes that the battles of everyday life never defeated you. I also know that they will never do that, because your courage and strength have been enough to raise a family of enormous strength.

Why am I so sure? For many reasons, but among other things because now, after years of fighting for the family, you have a large army that will always protect your heart.


Your love is the reason I am not content with anything; the reason I want more. Through good examples, you have taught me the most important values: to love with all my heart, to have one hand to give and another to receive, to be humble and to feel proud of myself and my family.

You have fought against all odds, you have calmed the worst of storms, even though from time to time I have hurt you with indifference or thoughtlessness. However, I have always had a safe haven between your heart and your arms.

Thanks to you, I know today that my successes belong to me and that my dreams have no expiration date. And the less I felt, the more you comforted me and filled the void caused by hopelessness with your kisses. Thank you for your patience when I made mistakes and for having the superhuman strength to always lighten the burden on my shoulders so that I would not suffer.

You are my greatest privilege and my greatest gift. Because you learned to do everything with one hand, because you “slept” with one eye open until you heard me come home after a night out, because you gave me your piece of cake, because you learned the names of hundreds of dolls , because you had the patience to get to know me to the point that you knew what I was thinking and feeling.

With this letter of thanks, I want to show how happy I am that you were my teacher in life. Because you were my guardian angel. Because you made my burden much lighter, because you gave me your heart, filled with true love. And because you gave me the drive to achieve the impossible.

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