Techniques To Increase Your Focus

Techniques to increase your focus

Do you need to maximize your study time? Do you need to implement strategies to learn better? Raising your focus on your studies is the first step. Study skills do not matter if you can not focus.

Raising your focus is extra important when you combine work and / or family life with your studies or go back to school after many years. It takes great willpower and discipline.

We live in a world that is saturated with information. From political and economic news and cultural events, film premieres, gossip and rumors, to developments in our immediate vicinity and, of course, social networks as well as other mass media. We are bombarded by all the information around us, and our focus can therefore suffer.

Young student woman

If you want to increase your focus on your studies, you need to take steps to filter the information you receive and clear your mind. You need to isolate yourself from external information to the extent that you need focus. This means that you should not use social networks, watch TV, listen to the radio or read newspapers as all these distractions will lead you to postpone your studies.

If you have to study, you have to, whether you feel like it or not. We often think that everything we do must be done for pleasure and enjoyment, but that is not the case. No matter how exciting it seems, you should speed up and not think about it anymore.

Do not give in to the limiting ideology that everything in life is about pleasure and that you should always feel motivated to work. If so, you will only suffer victims of the many distractions around you.

Remember every morning that you have excellent reasons to study: your goals. You study for something and will only get it if you study. Every time you study, you take steps towards your goals.

Think every morning: how can I move towards my goals today? Forget what you want for the moment and think about what you can enjoy when you reach your goals.

It takes more than study time to bring in knowledge. The information is absorbed and becomes a part of you when you relax, so rest is important after you have studied. You need to rest to absorb the information, so getting only a few hours of sleep is not effective.

Write notes

You need to include moments of relaxation in your study sessions. Take a few minutes to move every 30 minutes and take a 20-minute break every 90 minutes to relax and rest, so that the information gets into your head more easily and you can raise your focus. Close your eyes and let what you have learned be absorbed.

Some research claims that sleep after study can improve our ability to remember what we have studied and strengthen what we have learned. This has a lot to do with what we explained in the previous section. Reading before we go to bed can also work wonders to strengthen long-term memory.

But that does not mean you should steal time from sleep. Depriving yourself of sleep to learn significantly reduces the knowledge you acquire for up to three days afterwards.

Studying does not mean that you can forget about keeping your body healthy. Eating right and avoiding too much caffeine and alcohol is very important for high performance when studying. Foods that are rich in essential fatty acids are good brain foods and seem to help stimulate memory.

Exercise is also good for the brain because it achieves an extra supply of blood and oxygen to the brain, which can improve its function.

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