Sometimes We Have To Let Go To Find Happiness

Sometimes we have to let go to find happiness

How can we let go of what weighs on us? Imagine that you are on an excursion and have a bag full of things. Your back starts to hurt, you stop and you open to look at what’s in your bag. You see, there are several things that you really do not need and you remove them immediately. How do you feel now? Much easier! You can now go a long way without getting tired, and therefore get very far.

Something similar happens to our emotions and our attitudes, which we can accumulate over several years. When you learn to let go of everything you do not need, you will be able to go through life in a different way, happier and freer. Are you willing to let go of things that are not good for you? Start as soon as possible! You can not imagine how good it is to go through the world without luggage.

Letting go of the attitudes that hinder your personal development

Among the things you should try to let go of are some that prevent you from relating to others or becoming a better person. All of these attitudes limit you and counteract your personal development.

First and foremost, you should always try to be right. Start with something difficult! You may not like the idea of ​​making a mistake and this will give you problems with the people you love. If your ego is greater than your willingness to get along well with your partner or friends, you should think again!


Another thing that is good to get rid of is the need to control everything, especially what is happening around you. Let others “be”. It is also not necessary that you point out others or find someone guilty when there is no one… or where you should take responsibility yourself! It is very easy to point to the person next to us, but it is very difficult to lower your head and say “it was me”. It’s not to be cowardly; it is to be brave.

You should also let go of your need to want to impress everyone. You can not expect to be able to be something that you are not just for others to like you. Trying to be kind to others will bring you many bad friends who will abandon you as soon as you have a problem. The same goes for your partner, your colleagues and anyone you can think of. From the moment you take off your mask and tell the truth, you will only have the people by your side who deserve to be there.

To let go of the thoughts that weigh on you

We have now talked about certain attitudes that you should get rid of in your relationships with others. However, there is a lot of work you can do with yourself. What weighs on us the most as we go through life are our negative and self-destructive thoughts.

With this way of thinking, you will avoid success, continued learning and moving forward. Do not believe 100% in your thoughts, especially not the pessimistic ones that hurt you. Do not forget that our brains can be used for both good and bad things… and it depends on us.

At the same time, you should get rid of the perception that you can not do one thing or another. There is nothing that you can not achieve. No one and again no one (including yourself) can stop you from being a happy person who fulfills their dreams. Do what makes you a better person so that you get closer to your goals. Remember that you can be your own worst enemy if you do not trust your abilities.

Opposing change is another thing you should get rid of. This way, you will be able to feel lighter as you walk the path. Change is good, even if you do not believe it. Get out of your comfort zone, and do not settle for the small… You deserve the best! Strive for what is different. Give it a try and it will open many doors for you.


To let go of fear, excuses and the past

These three thoughts are very heavy and serve no purpose. Fear is thinking that something bad will happen, and you do not dare to move forward. If you are afraid, there is a greater risk that you will fail. As Franklin Roosevelt said, “The only thing we have to be afraid of is the fear itself,” because it limits you in your pursuit.

Apologies are just a shield that prevents you from accepting what is happening to you. This can be due to lack of motivation, if you worry too much about the future or because you may not be sure of your abilities etc. Many times you come up with excuses yourself and they are often not true. Do not stagnate in a place “because it is raining”, “because I do not know how to do this”, “because I will fail” etc.

And last but not least, the past, this that weighs on us so much. You often do not remember the good times you went through, but only the bad ones; those who left clear marks. The past must be ignored, because if you focus too much on it, you will not be able to see the present or tomorrow. Finally, I would like to share a quote from Lao Tzu: “Everything comes by letting it flow naturally. The world is for those who let go. When you try this, everyone will benefit from it ”.

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