Some Tips To Become More Charismatic

Some tips to become more charismatic

Your presence, your speech and your personality influence the way people see you. Some of us are perceived as more charismatic and others as shy. But can we shape our personality? Is it possible to become more charismatic and get that special attraction?

Other traits may be more difficult to develop, but anyone can become more charismatic if they decide to do so. Want to know how? We give you some tips.

Charismatic people radiate life, elegance and harmony

If we define “charisma”, some famous names may come to the surface, such as Meryl Streep, Winston Churchill or Barack Obama. What do they all have in common?

Charismatic people have the ability to capture our attention and arouse admiration. They are easy to relate to. They have a unique magnetism that attracts others and a captivating self-confidence. We want to spend hours talking to them or just enjoying their company.

They are people who come to a social event and automatically become the center of attention. But not because they quarrel or act strangely, but only because they are themselves. What makes them so special?

5 keys to being more charismatic

inspire confidence

The first thing you need to do is make sure others know they can count on you. When talking to them, keep eye contact with them for most of the time. But doing it all the time is not recommended as it can seem scary and very unpleasant.

Your gestures should be calm. Your movements should be harmonious, without a hint of nervousness or anxiety. If a leader loses his credibility, it is difficult for them to get back on their feet. Try to practice in the mirror before giving a speech or presentation. This way, you will be able to add those little details that inspire confidence in the audience.

Educated but understandable language

It is essential to show that you are educated with a rich and varied vocabulary. Charismatic people are good at communicating and know how to get people to consider what they are saying. How? They use language that is easy to understand and accessible to all, but with a hint of education.

Be especially careful when trying to show that you have done your homework. Using exaggerated, flashy or technical words can make you seem arrogant or complacent. Always respect the other person’s turn to speak,  even if you completely disagree with him. It is also not a good idea to criticize others. Use genius and creativity to show a different perspective and enrich theirs.

To seem kind and well-educated, you will want your audience to respect your words and listen. We recommend that you use “we” instead of “I”, as others will feel included and, like you, have common goals.

charismatic woman

To use the right volume and a varied tone of voice

How many times have you listened to politicians say things that are not connected but that people immediately praised just because of their tone? What is said is just as important as how it is said.

The secret is not to hesitate, speak in circles or use a monotonous rhythm. Taking breaks helps capture your listener’s attention. Take breaks for important parts that you want the audience to remember.

Speaking too fast or slow makes people suspicious or simply annoyed. The same applies when using an excessively sharp or severe tone. Of course, you can emphasize keywords in your speech or increase the volume somewhat firmly naturally.

Your attitude

The way you stand is very important. You should keep your head high and straight,  without pushing it sideways. If you want to emphasize something, you can raise your chin slightly.

It is important that you do not let your shoulders sag and always keep them level. It is not necessary to be stiff as a stick, but to stand straight. This position shows steadfastness and nonconformism, qualities that all charismatic people possess. For them, dissatisfaction leads to action, and thus to change.

A decent wardrobe

Although one should not judge by appearance, the clothes you choose to wear can help you become more charismatic. It’s not about wearing expensive or designer clothes, but using the right clothes. You may have guessed the theme by now: it’s about unpretentiousness and decency.

For women, deep necklines, shoes with excessive heels or far too strong colors can seem distracting instead of just getting attention. It is better to choose a clean and comfortable style. Accessories can help you complement your style.

For men, the best option is to use a classic suit. With a light shirt and a matching tie, you can never go wrong. You can even skip the tie and replace the jacket with a blazer.

You do not have to be a leader to be charismatic, but most good leaders are charismatic. However, there is no manual for charisma and some are just born with it, although practice can take you very far. Being more charismatic opens doors. Why not follow these guidelines and see what happens? If you want different results, do something different!

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