Signs That You Are Emotionally Burnt Out

Some people feel emotionally burnt out due to too many challenges in their lives or an accumulation of difficult experiences. Others enter adulthood with this feeling because of their traumatic childhood.
Signs that you are emotionally burnt out

Psychological burnout is an anxious condition that many people experience without knowing it. A person may be emotionally burnt out and think that it is only because she has an unsatisfactory job or a difficult relationship. While this may be true, it  can also be the other way around – emotional burnout can be the cause of the person’s problem.

Being emotionally burnt out means feeling powerless. This happens when you live your life on autopilot without thinking or feeling very much, and acting as if everything is planing on you. You live as if your life does not belong to you, and you do not care.

In some cases, people may enter adulthood and already be emotionally burnt out. If they grew up in a dysfunctional family, they probably had to invest their energy in trying to understand and manage their surroundings.

Here are some signs that you may be suffering from emotional burnout:

Fatigue differs from normal fatigue. You always feel tired even if you have had enough time to rest. As if your body and mind were not able to work and that all you wanted was to stay home in bed and wake up next month. But even if you did, you would feel tired.

emotional burnout

Emotional exhaustion is as strong or worse than physical exhaustion. You may feel that you can no longer be productive.

When you are emotionally burnt out, your problems knock out the resources you have to deal with them. In this way, a long list of unresolved emotional difficulties leads to a heavy burden, which in turn leads to emotional burnout.

Modern cynicism is when a person feels proud of something that is morally wrong. It’s an attitude that can make people say things like ‘Yes, I’m doing something wrong, and? Cynicism manifests itself in a form of self-destructive or careless actions. Walking on dangerous streets late at night, driving faster than allowed to perform other signs of high-risk activities is a sign of cynicism.

This seclusion means being unable to create meaningful contacts with people or your surroundings. This can be described as an invisible distance that prevents you from connecting with the world and life itself.

Feather above hand

When people are separated, they can feel lonely. A burnt out person can ignore these feelings and not attach enough importance to them. She assumes she can change what she is and what is happening around her.

When people are emotionally burnt out, they may even feel worthless or unable to do anything.

They do everything in their power to convince themselves that they can achieve nothing and that it does not matter how hard they try. They tend to downplay their successes and say things like “Why do I set goals when nothing will change?”

The feeling of worthlessness fuels the emotional burnout they experience. In their minds, any task is too difficult for them, because they feel they do not have the energy to perform them. Everything therefore seems too far away or too difficult to implement. An emotionally burnt out person tends to be very passive.

It is really difficult for burnt out people to enjoy the little things in life. Almost everything seems too boring, monotonous or joyless. They have no desire to make plans or start new projects. They simply let the circumstances take them with them without saying no. This can lead to anhedonia.

If you think you are emotionally burnt out, you need to know that things can change. You probably need professional help. This is not because you lack resources, but because  it is easier for a specialist to help you identify and address the problem, which you may not be aware of. 

If you are in such a state, your priority should be your well-being. Nothing is more important than yourself. You may be surprised at the results if you start this transformation. All you have to do is make the decision to choose a new path in life.

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