Self-actualization: The Key To Human Potential

The theory of self-actualization claims that there is an inherent potential that we must develop to the utmost in order to be happy.
Self-actualization: the key to human potential

Mahatma Gandhi, Viktor Frankl and Nelson Mandela are excellent examples of self-actualization. According to the theory of self-actualization , each of us must decipher what is within us. This is a conscious, responsible and creative personal growth that makes us fight to become what we want to be.

In 1943  , Abraham Maslow said that a musician would do nothing but music. An artist must paint and a writer must write if they want to be happy. Just as the creator of the hierarchy of needs taught us, every person must have something to strive for and have an inherent potential. Ignoring this or opposing them only leads to frustration.

However, we must consider the difficulty of meeting these aspirations. Whether we like it or not, it is not always possible to combine our daily activities with our personal goals. In addition, we do not always have the opportunity to show our potential to the world or the chance to dedicate our lives to what we have always dreamed of.

Discipline, hope and determination are very important factors in self-actualization. Assuming it will not be an easy journey is another thing you have to accept without objection,  just like the successful people we mentioned earlier.

In fact, Viktor Frankl pointed out that self-actualization is not a goal. Instead, it is a constant journey through which you learn to improve and get as close to the perfect version of yourself as you can.

self-actualization is a journey

The theory of self-actualization comes from humanistic psychology. Abraham Maslow was one of the most important figures. In books such as Toward a Psychology of Being  , he points out the following ideas:

  • Self-actualization means being able to meet our most important needs,  whether it is social status, emotional aspirations or goals.
  • It is also about defining what life means to us.
  • This theory claims that we must do what is already within us. This means that if we do not have what it takes to become a researcher, it is pointless to dream of becoming the next Stephen Hawking. Each of us must be aware of our strengths and our potential.
  • Carl Rogers, another relevant figure in humanistic philosophy, argues that self-actualization is also about finding a balance between the real and the real you.

On the other hand, a very interesting detail about this attitude is that Maslow defended the idea that we are programmed to be self-actualized. We have the powerful need to reach a balance between who we are and who we could be. Sometimes, however, society can make it difficult for us.

Person on the cliff

If we have focused on the classic Abraham Maslow theory of human needs , we may think that climbing to the top (self-actualization) is a linear process. In other words, we must first feel safe. Then we must satisfy the need to connect with other people, the need to belong and be loved, and the need for social status to finally reach the top.

However, studies conducted by Wild Whitellman at the University of Atlanta explain that we need to reinterpret the theory of self-actualization.

Self-updating is not a linear process

Viktor Frankl, Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi all experienced difficulties. Although they did not meet the needs of the pyramid in a linear way, they still focused on self-actualization.

  • Mahatma Gandhi used civil disobedience to liberate his people. Viktor Frankl was determined to discover what the meaning of life was for him even when he was in Auschwitz and Dachau. Nelson Mandela did not give up while in prison.
  • In other words, once you are solidified in your values ​​and the strength that defines you, loneliness, unemployment or even homelessness will not bother you.

Be persistent and creative

The self-actualization theory reminds us that there is an internal strength that makes us reach our goals. If you are a musician, you should not give up your passion and dedicate yourself to another profession. You will always feel the need to be what you want to be and you must be persistent in your endeavors.

Being creative and finding all possible paths are the bridges that will help you overcome the frustration of getting to the top.

The theory of self-actualization

The self-actualization is within you

Psychologist and philosopher Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi also points out that self-actualization is innate. Our potential will emerge slowly to emerge in the long run. Therefore, we need to listen to it and focus on shaping it daily. For example, those who want to help other people will be happy as nurses, social workers, psychologists and even teachers.

There are many scenarios where you will achieve your goals and incorporate it into your daily activities. When you do, and you are surrounded by responsibilities that you enjoy, you will discover what happiness really is.

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