Relationships Are The Mirrors We See Ourselves In

Relationships are the mirrors we see ourselves in

We are inevitably interested and influenced by the world of human relations, and we cannot remain indifferent to this fact. We learn to discover who we are through the eyes of others, and each person we meet during the course of life can give us something different.

Are you open to the possibility that everyone can add something to your life? Depending on your openness, this will be more or less true. It is important to realize that each person has potential in our lives, just as we have in others. Being aware of this opportunity and taking advantage of it is the responsibility of each individual.

Every relationship we experience is potentially important. All the meetings we have can make us discover many things about ourselves. Whether it is in our love relationships, with family, with our friends, free relationships or work relationships. All types of relationships can affect us.

Each relationship becomes an opportunity to see how we react to others; how we communicate, how we feel, what makes us upset; what behaviors we like, what evokes anger and rage, etc.

Friends in the woods

When we focus on the other person when it comes to how we feel, we lose a valuable perspective. It is not the other person who has created this feeling within us, but rather we who have reacted to his behavior. We can investigate and see where it comes from – an opportunity to see what this has to do with our lives.

We must be very aware that it is not the other person who causes anger, discomfort or sadness within us, nor the person who generates our happiness, joy or enthusiasm. The whole repertoire of emotions, whether pleasant or unpleasant, is generated by our own thoughts and beliefs. They are the answers we issued regarding our experience and our belief system.

There are many feelings, desires and intentions that we for some reason dismiss completely. They are parts of us that we are not willing to see, and we defend ourselves against this by projection. We project on others what we are not willing to see in ourselves.

We have emotional reactions that activate this projection, and they can be both positive and negative. When they are positive, you project a quality on the other person that you like about yourself, that you value and appreciate and that you may not be aware of. When they are negative, you project something you dismiss, a part of you that you do not like and that you do everything you can to not see in yourself. This creates an internal conflict that disrupts relationships.

The interesting thing about recognizing our projections is to see how our attitudes and perceptions of other people and the world around us are largely rejected ideas we have about ourselves.

Woman holding mask

Where we least think we will find it, it ends with someone providing us with great love, beautiful friendship or an important lesson. We become demanding because we are waiting for this to come to us from the outside, but it is an internal matter. Everything that is significant to our lives emerges when we are in a position where we can host these things.

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