Procrastination: Why We Postpone Things So Much

Procrastination: Why we postpone things so much

How many times have you not had something important to do, but then you just kept putting it off? Is it good to put things off so much? Do you think there is a solution to the problem? Today we will talk about procrastination, what problems it can create and how to stop it.

Procrastination is directly related to our will – our will to act and move to the work. This is when you postpone situations or activities that you have on your list – things that you really should get distracted from. Let’s look at the reasons for this.

I’ll do it tomorrow… or maybe next month

Imagine that you have to write a report for one of your most important customers. The boss is trying to get you to hurry because the whole job depends on this. You usually try to do it as soon as possible. However, procrastination can tempt you to postpone it. You also do a lot of small and unnecessary tasks that you would not have had to do at all right now, and you wait with all the important work until the end of the week.

Another example: your bag has been stolen and it contained your driver’s license and several credit cards. Usually you would have reported this immediately, blocked your credit cards and immediately ordered new ones. Not doing this would have been pretty stupid, but it would also have been another form of procrastination.

Man who is tired.

Consequences when you postpone things

Procrastination causes anxiety because you do not seem to have the will to complete things. You feel so helpless and powerless! Consider the following example: you put things off even though you know they are urgent and something that should be done right away. If you do not do these things, you will suffer a heavy burden. You will not reduce your anxiety or anger, nor your anxiety by postponing the task. In fact, you will only get worse.

These feelings will increase as if the conflict is still unresolved or the job is still there. You know that something important must be clear and that it will get worse if you do not perform the task, but still you delay. If you procrastinate often, it can be difficult to change.

The people who procrastinate live in a constant lethargic state. They bury themselves in unimportant activities while postponing other things.

Reasons why you postpone things

When you postpone things, you do this for one of two reasons. Either you have replaced the activity with another activity that feels better or that is unimportant, or you just prefer not to do anything. If you try to justify the situation by saying that another thing is more important, you will fall victim to the present. We tend to see our daily chores as more urgent.

But when we do this, we will put the projects that have greater potential in the long run on the shelf. What happens that day automatically becomes the most important thing and we fail to prioritize.

If you choose not to do something, you will become your own worst enemy. It is good to rest from time to time, but there are some dangers when it comes to becoming a victim of laziness. You feel that you do not want to do the task and you will then suffer the consequences for this in the long run.

By procrastinating, you will not be able to reach your potential.

Woman with her feet on the table.

Strategies to stop procrastinating

By asking yourself a couple of specific questions, you will be able to get to the bottom of your procrastination.

  • If I’ll have to do it anyway in the end, what do I gain by postponing it?
  • Is it something that only affects me or does it involve other people?

If you answer these questions truthfully, your attitude will surely change. But you still need more strategies in your arsenal:

  • The 2-minute rule: This simple strategy is based on the idea that if you take more than 2 minutes to plan something, you should stop planning and just do it.
  • Overcoming the resistance: Once you have taken the first step, your hesitation and fear of making the matter disappear.
  • Manage your energy: If you are tired or angry, you will run a greater risk of postponing things.
  • Divide and conquer: If you divide the work into smaller tasks and concrete steps, it will be easier for you to see the finish line.
  • Reward yourself: When you have reached your goal, it is a good idea to reward yourself with something. Do something that you enjoy or that helps you relax.
  • Positive procrastination

There is something called positive procrastination, and it has to do with the good intentions of those who procrastinate. A person who postpones things that are boring or painful has a good idea of ​​avoiding pain.

The people who are perfectionists have a great tendency to procrastinate. Since they always want perfect results, they will avoid doing anything fast, and sometimes they would prefer not to start at all. They will not start until they are preferably sure that they have time to complete the matter properly.

There is also something called productive laziness. This theory has to do with people looking for tricks, solutions or shortcuts to do something they need to do with as little effort as possible.

If you avoid your responsibilities or bury yourself in unimportant tasks, this behavior can become chronic. Our advice is that you look for a situation and try to change your negative attitude. Try to tackle the more complex problems first. It will not be long before you feel better!

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