Music: Emotions In The Air

Music: Emotions in the air

Have you ever considered that most of the most important moments in our lives come with music? The happy, the sad and the ones we will never forget. We are exposed to music even before we are born, which can later make us feel less alone during a storm, on an airplane or when we clean the home.

Music changes our senses. And after we have heard the first beats of a song, the body will naturally move with the rhythm. Would you like to know more about the power that music has over us? Keep reading and discover a variety of things about music that most people cannot live without.

Music is as old as humanity

The first humans communicated through sound and silence. They had no words to say how they felt or to describe something that had happened. The intensity and tone of the sounds they used were related to strength, wisdom and even love.

If you tried to say “sorry”, “I love you” or “I do not believe in you” by just using sounds, it would have been very difficult, and it would not have felt as natural as using words. These sounds gradually evolved into words, but some traces of them no doubt remain.

What happens in the mind when we listen to music?

The process that occurs in the brain when we hear music is complex. There are also individual differences when it comes to processing audio information.


The sound waves enter the ear and travel towards the brain. The song is then analyzed through linguistic processes. Even if another language is used, the brain still analyzes the words it hears.

The next step is quite amazing and this differs from person to person. The association areas in the brain begin to work to produce different memories and emotions based on what has been stored in the memory.

And if you’ve never heard the song before? Your emotions are activated anyway because your brain associates the song with things in ways that you can not always explain. For example, you may already like the artist. The song may remind you of something you’ve heard before. It may help you recreate a situation in your mind. Or it will help you relax and get more energy.

When do we listen to music?

Melodies are always in our daily lives, and depending on how we feel or what we need, we choose one type of music over another. On an emotional and psychological level, music can be what you need to cry over someone you lost, smile during a gray day, or find strength when you thought you could not find it anymore. It can also help some people counteract illnesses and calm babies who do not sleep at night.


We choose one type of music for weddings, another for work and study and a third when we are on the subway. There are also songs that are specially written for painful moments, such as saying goodbye to someone you love.

Why is music so important?

Listening to music can balance your mind and make you happy, and it’s a great way to express how you feel (how many times have you listened to a song and cried over the pain you feel in your chest?).


As if that were not enough, melodies can help you discover your inner self, motivate you to practice special skills, stay awake and cure diseases such as hypertension, insomnia, anxiety, headaches and nervousness.

When you listen to music, life is full of energy. We recommend that you enjoy at least one song every day! It’s even better if you turn up the volume!

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