Let No One Say You Can Not

Do not let anyone say you can not

“No” is one of the words we hear most when we try something new. “You can not do it”, “you should not go in that direction”, “it will not work well for you”, “you should not even try”. To cope with this relatively common situation, the doctor and businesswoman Pilar Jericó recommends that you “ground your emotions, imagine the worst case scenario and then fight for your dream”.

That’s why Pilar Jericó is the protagonist of this article. She has worked in the Spanish media and in addition to a doctorate in business organization also has a degree in economics and one in leadership and behavior from Harvard University.

This woman is capable of starting a business even when everything seems to go against her. She is a living example of the fight against the words “you can not”. This influential author and lecturer has shown us the way to push back adversity with his advice and tips to take action as the social storm grows stronger.

According to Jericó , fear is our greatest enemy. When someone says that you can not do anything, it is common to become scared and paralyzed. People are invaded by painful emotions and convince themselves that they can not.

Head in the clouds

But fear is a necessary tool for self-defense. In difficult situations, it leaves us on the alert so we can protect ourselves. But when taken to extreme levels, it can paralyze and frighten us, leading to serious behavioral changes.

That is why you must understand your fear, overcome it and prevent others from hindering you. But it requires some knowledge, which we offer you below so that you can rise above the most horrible of omen.

Pilar Jericó suggests two useful techniques for overcoming fear. So if you notice that you are scared of everything around you and are told that you can not do anything, maybe you can use them and decide whether you agree or not.

The first technique Jericó suggests is to ground yourself to reality. This involves listening to what other people are saying to you and retrieving their comments. These comments, along with your fears, need to be grounded so that you can analyze them calmly and peacefully.

Here’s an example to help you understand: in Jericó’s case, she decided to move to the United States while pregnant to carry out a project, and everyone said it was impossible and that it would not go well.

For example, people said that if she stayed in the United States for too long, she would lose clients. So she grounded her fears, thought about it for a long time, talked to her clients and was able to make them all fully understand. She fought for her dream.

Woman walking alone

The second technique Jericó suggests consists of imagining the worst case scenario and evaluating the risk involved. To do that, you need to think about what could go wrong and know whether it is really worth the sacrifice and the hard work.

To use Jericó as an example again, we can point out that she did just that. What was the worst thing that could happen to her during the adventure in the United States? Maybe her investments would not give a good return? Or maybe the loneliness of being so far away from family and friends would have brought her back to reality?

The thing is that you have to analyze all possible risks calmly and carefully. Once you have done that, you need to find out if you are really prepared to confront them. If you decide that you are ready, then you have to move on with all the consequences in mind.

This is how Pilar Jericó came to some very interesting conclusions. Life goes so fast, but we are enriched by the experiences we gather. So if you really believe in something, have thought about it and come to the conclusion that it is possible, why not do it? Maybe it’s better not to pay so much attention to people who say you can not and instead turn it to “I can, and no one can stop me”.

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