Learning To Lose: One Of The Most Important Lessons In Life

Learning to lose: one of the most important lessons in life

Do you always let your child win? Even if you think it’s the right thing to do, it  means giving your child false success. In fact, he may have already realized it and even said to you on more than one occasion: “Dad! Let me not win Dad, play properly! ” Surely you were surprised the first time it happened. The child seeks the same challenge that you are trying to avoid. You cannot learn to win without learning to lose.

Even if it seems silly, the truth is that you are preventing your child from growing. You prevent the child from maturing and finding out the fact that sometimes you succeed and sometimes you do not succeed. Because of this, it is very important to learn to lose weight at an early age. We can not always win, and the ability to accept both results is very useful in the future. 

In most cases, you are undoubtedly  letting your child win because you believe that his self-confidence will be damaged. You think he will be sad and that he will be hurt by defeat. But all you do is stop him from going through the extraordinary process of learning to lose. The lesson that you have to get better and overcome difficulties to win.

The saying “you have to know how to lose” is very useful. When you put it into practice, it allows you to overcome barriers, conflicts and problems that always arise when you least expect it. But none of this is possible if you let your child win. He will eventually lose because you always pretend to lose and realize that there really was no chance he could win. How can one learn to deal with the feeling of depression that loss brings if one is never allowed to lose?

Dad fishes with son

One way to do this properly is to give your child an edge. This way you make sure he starts at the same level as you. You can also consider the difficulty of the game. There are some games that the child is too small for. These games are a good idea to play in teams. By playing together, you can act as a support for its learning.

If your child experiences what it means to lose, you will have a great opportunity to teach him how to assimilate loss. For example, you can show him that it is much more important to enjoy the moment than to focus so much on the end result. In this way, the end will not be a decisive factor. You will teach your child to focus on what they are feeling throughout the experience.

It is very important that your child experiences what it feels like to lose. Teach him to face a loss with integrity and not be crushed when it happens. In this way, he will learn not to get angry at others, and he will be able to acknowledge their effort and victory. We often learn a lot about how we can do better next time with these losses.

Learning to lose will allow your child not to see the loss as a door that suddenly closes. On the contrary, he will see it as an opportunity to get better. That through the mature and developing in the areas he still needs to develop. He will tolerate frustration much more easily. Instead of letting himself be dragged down by opponents or enemies, he will learn to use defeat to his advantage and get better from it.

Learning to lose

Undoubtedly, the child will see that in the event of a loss he bears part of the responsibility for what happens. This is also the case when life does not meet your expectations. It is an opportunity to learn not to blame others. He will understand that there is nothing like luck or bad luck in terms of results. In this way  , he will see his mistakes as an opportunity to correct things. He will see it as a chance to correct something he has not done well.

If you let your child win, you will deprive him of the wonderful experience of losing. Although  it may seem negative at first, it is very necessary. Sooner or later, you will encounter difficulties to solve. If you have not learned how to lose when it comes to a simple game. How can you then expect to act with integrity and maturity and stand up for yourself when it comes to more important things in life?

Whether you win or lose, you always learn something. The most important thing is the path we choose and to know how to enjoy it all the way. Therein lies the truth of all true learning. Do not worry if your child is saddened by losing the game. After all, it’s just that – a game. Your child will get over it in no time.

By learning to lose in a sporting way, the child has gained a strong and powerful foundation  that will help him or her overcome any obstacles later in life.

to learn to lose is to learn to win

Photos by Pascal Campion

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