Learn To Love With 5 Simple Steps

Learn to love with 5 easy steps

Learn to love, because the greatest happiness in life is to love and be loved. So said the author Amantine, also known as George Sand.

We not only bond with others because of who they are, but also because of the impact they have on us. But for love to be bound to happiness, you must know how to do it well and do it in an authentic way.

The word love is used quite often in the language. It is associated with some of the most important emotions that one can experience as a human being: deep caring and a devotion to the other person.

There are as many perceptions of love as there are people in the world. But no matter how we understand it, one may ask if we really know how to love? Everything seems to indicate that we all have problems with this. And even if we do not want to believe it, there is always room for improvement and continued growth.

Couple kissing among umbrellas

Almost everyone thinks they know how to love. We think it’s enough to have feelings for someone, but we forget that true love is like having a garden. You need to water it every day, remove weeds and take care of it so that the flowers can continue to grow.

No one is free from the temptation to live a comfortable life, but love is a way to resist that temptation. It involves discussing big things, setting healthy boundaries and promoting a common type of well-being.

Is love an art? People who believe this know that it takes knowledge and effort. Or is it just a pleasant feeling that you feel by chance, something you come across if you are lucky? The book The Art of Love by Erich Fromm suggests that even though many people believe that love depends on luck, it is actually an art.

This does not mean that people do not think it is important. It’s something we’re all hungry for. We watch endless movies that tell stories of both happy and unhappy love stories. We constantly listen to songs about it, but almost no one thinks you have to learn to love.

Heart growing in a jar

People seem to think that things are only worth learning if they come with benefits like money or status. But what about the things that are beneficial to the soul? Can you learn to love? Can you teach yourself something that you can feel but not touch?

In our modern society, most people are said to have stopped reading after seeing the title of this article, and they did not understand that love is the answer to life.

Every theory of love should start with the theory of man, of human existence. Love is an act, and it is therefore continuous and not sporadic. You need to learn how to love if you want to self-actualize and build healthy relationships.

In order for love to go beyond the initial phases, there are 5 points from The Art of Loving that you can think of:

  • Be original. We live in the illusion of a completely homogeneous world. We join because we believe it is the only way to have relationships, but we have the power to engage in our own types of relationships that come from a place of honesty and authenticity. Only then can we free ourselves from the traditions that society has imposed on us.
  • Find someone who wants to give you everything and do the same for him. To love is to give. It is filled with vitality, strength and power and fills us with happiness, as long as we maintain our dignity and respect and do not go beyond our own limits. If you choose someone who shares this perspective, you will be able to give the best of yourself.
  • Longing to get to know your partner. Fromm used to say that we think we know each other, but we do not, at least not completely. Every experience we have affects us in some way. The change is the only constant. If you continue to learn about your partner, you will not end up in a routine.
  • Be aware of what kind of love you want and receive. There are many different types and knowing which one you want and receiving will determine what type of relationship you have. With that said, there is nothing like a conscious and mature love. That should be your ultimate goal: two people who become one but who continue to be themselves.
  • Accept the challenges and conflicts that come with the relationship. Love is not the absence of conflict, but a constant change where you work and grow together.
Heart with ladders

There is only one cure for love: learn to love more. If you are going through a heart attack, you should look to the future with a new perspective on life and not be sad or shut yourself in.

Love is an art, a process that promotes creativity, caring and authenticity, as long as you are willing to do it based on respect and responsibility. To love more is the cure for all the problems of life.

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