It’s A Mistake To Ignore Your Wounds

It is a mistake to ignore your wounds

We all have wounds but no two are alike. Some wounds are easy to get over, while others need a little more time to heal. Ignoring your wounds is not exactly the best option. Covering a wound as soon as it occurs often leads to it becoming infected. Sooner or later, the wound will begin to bleed again. If we wash it and leave it open from the beginning, it will disturb us, but it will also heal much faster.

Time does not heal your wounds


To say that “time will heal your wounds” is a lie we have often heard. In fact, time does not heal at all if you have not taken proper care of the wound. Time will of course help you, but only if the wound has been closed properly from the beginning.

How do I know that the wound has been closed? The wound has closed when you no longer feel the bitterness. You will know when you are ready to take that time because you will then know that a door has been closed.

Do not expect that time will heal the wound by itself. There are certainly examples from our lives when we have tried to ignore the pain due to fear, but ignoring a situation makes it more difficult in the end.

When you let time go by, you just cover your wound with a bandage so you don’t have to see it. But you know it’s bleeding and you should take care of it. You think time will do its part, but you are wrong.

You should not distract yourself


Distractions keep us busy while we cover up or ignore what has made us suffer so much. But what happens when you are alone? What happens when you have no plans to distract you?

Distractions only make us numb, but within us we know we are suffering. Remember that distractions are temporary and that the pain will sooner or later return.

Do not distract yourself, but deal with your pain. No one likes to deal with something that hurts, but it’s better to do it now than to drag it out until it comes out when you least expect it.

You have to be strong

Of course you have to be strong. For some people, the things that affect the heart hurt more than what affects the body. This is normal.

You can be strong. You can be strong enough to hold on and not fall for the temptation with distractions and time, because you know that this is not the best way out and that the pain will then come back and be even worse than before.

Have you not heard that you should not postpone until tomorrow what you can do today? You can also apply this saying here. If you can close that door today, do it. Do not leave this for tomorrow because you are afraid of “maybe…”.

We always hope and that is why it is so difficult not to fall for distractions. But what is it worth? You know how it will end.


It is important that you stay away from anything that prevents you from sitting down and treating your wound. It will hurt every time you look at it, and it will hurt when you think about it, and you will suffer. But do not worry. Be strong and move forward. The pain will be a much shorter time if you deal with it now immediately and do not postpone this. It’s time to close your wounds.

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