I’m Not Afraid Of Those Who Attack Me

I'm not afraid of those who attack me

In life we ​​do not suffer from a lack of opportunities when we are surprised by the attitudes of the people around us; people we thought were faithful and loyal friends. In fact, we usually do not recognize fake friends until they attack and the damage is already done…

One thing that is certain is that a knife in the back causes us great suffering. A suffering that sometimes becomes unbearable because it indicates a breach of trust. It can also be the end of a friendship with someone we had previously done everything for.

It may be extremely difficult to protect ourselves from hypocrisy and betrayal from the people we considered friends. However, we must remember that all that glitters is not gold, but that we can still believe in the world.

Girl on elephant

As we all know, true friendship is a rare gift built on good feelings, hopes and expectations. Everyone who has a friend has not only a treasure, but a fortune.

But friendships as well as other relationships can also be bad. They get bad when we stop caring about the other person and forget the values ​​that maintain the relationship.

The bad is when betrayal and lies become tactics that cover the good intentions in the middle of the game. Then the playing field is flooded with hypocrisy and falsehood.

In these moments we can feel as if something is breaking inside us and that the world is turning its back on us. Our castles collapse and we find ourselves completely devastated by the world.

Restoring our faith in humanity can then be quite difficult. In fact, it can even be difficult to let go of the part of ourselves that has been a part of us until now.

In this way , the friendships that betray us do not honor the term friendship. They were simply relationships that could have been something beautiful, but that were distorted along the way or perhaps were distorted from the beginning.

Lizard on the wall

There are five possible profiles of fake friends that we need to recognize in order to prevent them from attacking us and affecting our lives:

Having ambitions is not bad, but there are people who always want to be superior. They are characterized by not being happy and not praising us for our achievements. They will always be better or worse than us, and they will not listen; they just want to be listened to.

They are defined by their inability to feel blessed as well as their constant search for compassion and support. They complain about everything, and life itself is a drama for them. It does not matter if you are going through difficult times – it will always end up comforting them because of their desperate need for comforting words.

These are people who attack by making you feel guilty and selfish every time you touch a finger or open your mouth. Everything you do will be bad and they will never make you feel that you are doing the right thing, unless they want you to do something for them.

Gossiping, speaking ill of others and judging everything is their biggest hobby. When you are with them, you get the feeling that they just want to investigate and find out the latest events in your life. The fact that there is no sincere interest can be felt in their tone and insistent manner.

There are people who try to take advantage of everything and everyone, including misery. The scales generally lean in their favor and they will only show up when there is a guarantee that they will get something out of the situation.

Girl among snakes

Of course there are good people. Not one, not one million betrayals can make us believe that the world is full of darkness. It is also clear that we are not infallible and that we sometimes make mistakes without intending to “cut our friends in the back”.

In fact, everything in the world is not just good or bad; it’s just that when someone betrays us, the person who does it seems like a terrible demon. Nevertheless, we must use these experiences to learn what we want and who we want around us.

No matter how much armor we dress in, we will end up in bad relationships along the way. That is why, given that doubt, mistrust and falsehood only hurt and poison us, we must evoke our strength and nurture our directness, honesty and loyalty. Without armor and without masks, in a simple and honest way.

Photos by Nicoletta Ceccoli.

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