I Feel A Great Emptiness …

I feel a great emptiness ...

“I feel a great emptiness.” “I feel alone even when I have company.” ” I feel empty even though I have everything I could ever wish for.” “I feel incomplete even though I have an amazing person in my life.”

This feeling of sadness and dissatisfaction may ring a bell in you. This is an emotional emptiness; a painful companion in our lives that makes us feel lonely and incomplete.

The truth is that the ability to feel empty puts fear in and blocks us. This is very logical because there is no deeper pain than confronting our emotional reality.

And it makes us ask ourselves things that we are quite uncomfortable to talk about: If I have everything, then what can I ask for? What more can I strive for if my partner is already perfect? How many more friends do I need to not feel alone?

Your partner may be perfect and amazing, but your relationship is not perfect and amazing for you. This disappointment and pain shows you that there is something you want to change. And if you do not want to continue to feel bad, you should start immediately.

It may also be that you already have everything, but that there may be something more you can not even imagine within reach. It is possible that you are surrounded by people, but that all these people are not right for you. Or maybe you need to change surroundings.

Heart-shaped leaves

What is behind emotional emptiness?

Behind this emptiness hides slavery, longing, sorrow and a need for affection and emotional freedom. It presents itself in a cruel way, masked by mixed feelings due to doubt, exhaustion and illusion.

But why is this happening? Why does the void come and give us a strong emotional blow that leaves us on our backs? The answer is very simple: we do not know ourselves very well. In other words: have you ever analyzed what you need, how you feel, where you need to go and what you are willing to do to get there?

The real question is not “what’s going on in my life?” but rather “who wants to live it?” With this knowledge, we can stop believing that we are tall, beautiful, friendly people and instead think that the important thing is to have good self-knowledge that reaches us.

Girl in watercolor

Emotional identity and self-awareness: the keys to our well-being

We should push wrong methods aside and define ourselves in the present. The important thing is not that we are doctors, salesmen or housewives. Thinking in this way makes us equally empty, full of longing and without identity.

That is why it is important for us to pay attention to the fact that the price to pay for our ignorance is very high. Do you really just want to be another doctor, to find the love of your life or to be a parent? Not really. We are not content with this, and that is where the problem lies.

When our “I” fails, an emotional emptiness is produced. Everything is just labels. Patches that cover our wounds and masks that cover our eyes.

Heart tree

What can help when we feel emptiness?

The emotional void is penetrating and unbearable. It reminds us that we need something we do not seem to be able to find. It floods our being with hopelessness and abandonment.

We can try to fill the emptiness by overeating, searching for the great love, drinking alcohol, tearing ourselves out of the gym or overloading the schedule. However, that unbearable feeling that “I need something, but I do not know what it is” still creeps up on us.

Without a doubt , the void affects our lives and our well-being while at the same time causing the architecture that maintains our emotions to crackle. This “mental disconnection” that is created between the limbic and prefrontal systems is the same as occurs in people with depression.

The fight against this emptiness is not an easy one. It seems that many of the most negative emotions have turned against us and come together to tear us to pieces. However, we can always decide to take command of our lives and come to the conclusion that what upsets us, or stay on the sinking ship in a sea of ​​uncertainty and lack of joy.

Everyone must see within themselves and try to find the key to their own emptiness. There are no magic formulas or infallible cures. The solution is within all of us, and therefore it is up to us to find the truth. After all, change is a door that can only be opened from the inside.

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