Hyperbarn: Overprotected Children And Stress

Hyperchildren: overprotected children and stress

Hyperbaby is a product of hypercontrolling parents. It is a new and interesting trend that overlooks important aspects of childhood, such as playing, being outdoors, being bored and encountering problems. This is a result of an upbringing that is too overprotective.

A hyperchild responds to others before himself. In other words, they do not have much time to discover themselves and develop socially, which is otherwise common during childhood.

The terms “hyper-child” and “hyper-parenting” are concepts that are related to having children under control. As a result, they will distance themselves from activities that are common to children their age. It ends up being people who are not independent because they are expected to be perfect.

The term originated in the United States and is traditionally related to the concept of the spoiled child. Eva Millet, journalist and author of the books Hyper-paternity and Hyper-children: Perfect Children , emphasizes that hyper-children tend to make their parents stressed.

Hyperchildren are busy with activities that they do not really like that much. In this case, the parents treat the children as an investment. They believe that the time and money invested in their children will automatically result in success.

The children are much more aware of this than we think. And that pressure affects them on all levels. Their lives become full of stress because they have to meet the expectations of others.

However, there is another side: hyperchildren get all the attention within the family. As Miller says: “You go home to them and you do not see any pictures of either the grandparents or the grandparents. You only see pictures of them. They are the kings and queens of the home. ”

This overstimulation makes the children feel that they are very superior, which is something that can affect their personal development. They are therefore unable to manage their emotions well, they become easily frustrated and they may even begin to suffer from the same anxiety as their parents. They become what Millet calls “hyperchildren.” They are dependent children who can not do anything without the help of their parents.

Boy hugging his mother.

It is difficult to understand exactly what children need because they all have their own dreams, desires and expectations. One thing is clear, however: they are still learning to face the real world, so we can not demand as much of them as we demand of adults.

This is the reason why parents should never try to get their children to take over their dreams. Thinking about their college education before they turn 10 is completely crazy. We must let the children develop their own personality and their own interests. We should let them fail and learn their limitations. They should also learn that mistakes can actually help them develop and get better.

Children playing with a balloon.

All those experiences, classes and camps are very costly, but we still can not expect children to appreciate material things. The reason for this is that they do not yet understand them. So instead of worrying about whether your 10-year-old English teacher uses the best material to teach, you should teach your child how to communicate naturally.

During the children’s upbringing, they should play with other children. This means that they should put their skills into practice themselves. The parents should not be there to do everything for them, but should be there if the child asks for help.

It is important that children learn to cope with unexpected situations. Parents should only give advice, support and above all love.

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