How To Take Initiative And Make Things Happen

Those who know how to take initiative change their world and do not expect others to do it for them. Basically, we each know how important it is to dare to pursue our dreams and to do things on our own.
How to take initiative and make things happen

Knowing how to take the initiative applies, for example, to daring to ask the person you like out on a date. It is also about being able to break the existing life framework and create your own. It can also be about being proactive and activating a social life full of enthusiasm, intuition, creativity and willingness to anticipate things and get out of all difficulties.

Who would not want such a life? Is there even a person who has never been told that they lack initiative? Thus, and almost without us realizing it, this word becomes a longing. A trait you want to integrate into your personality and your behavior to get what you long for.

One can define this dimension in many ways (virtue, social ability, etc.) but there is always one thing that is clear. Some people have initiative, and others do not. The reason why some lack it usually lies in personal insecurity and fear. Many people fear failure and getting hurt. It’s a pretty scary thing for some to learn that you are not infallible.

But you should be aware of the following: there is no difference between staying where you are and failing. You are still in the same place, in the same territory where nothing is happening, where you are not advancing socially, emotionally or professionally. Thus, if you really want to improve your reality and achieve what you have in your mind and in your heart, then you must take the chance. In other words, you have to take the initiative.

A guy jumps for joy in front of the sunset

How to take initiative and achieve what you want

You may have experienced that feeling at some point in your life. The feeling of wanting to do something and not knowing how, or simply not daring. It could be asking your boss for a pay raise, initiating a romantic relationship with someone who seemed unattainable, or making a major change in your life and starting a new project. Taking initiative requires more than courage.

Above all, it means having a focus and an action plan. For people with initiative rarely improvise as you might think; They plan. Undoubtedly, achieving this requires you to fine-tune your cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes. Keep reading to learn some strategies that allow you to take the initiative.

Set your emotions towards your goal

Some emotions are outrageous. Taking the initiative often involves two specific emotions: fear and shame. Most people are afraid of failure and exposure. Therefore, you must recognize them as your worst enemies and in the future make sure to disable or reorient them.

How? By creating a dialogue with yourself to remind yourself of what you deserve. It must be clear that it is fear and shame that deactivate you, turn off your potential and distort your identity. Instead, there is another, exceptional feeling that always facilitates initiative: enthusiasm.

Plan, observe and capture the day

Taking the initiative is not synonymous with diving into unknown waters. This is because the water can be shallow and you then make a mistake that you should have anticipated.

  • Being proactive means taking context into account, predicting the future, looking at the situation from different angles and designing a plan.
  • Also, make sure that you do not leave anything to chance when it comes to achieving what you want. You may be lucky but you must always remember that you can also create your own happiness through effort, hard work and originality.

Turn to like-minded people and mentors who can help you take the initiative

The responsibility in each process is yours when it comes to creating the present and shaping the future you want. However, this does not mean that you can not trust the help and advice of an expert.

Of course, there may be someone who can do their part to facilitate a well-directed step forward in your environment.

Also, you may know someone who has been through the same thing and can give you advice. Keep your mind open, listen to opinions and take other perspectives into account to make a decision that you create by combining all possible data.

A hot air balloon head with plum top

Each final victory begins with winning daily battles

People with the ability to take initiative do not improvise and do not risk everything at the same time. In other words, do not suddenly jump in front of the person you like and tell them how you feel. You need to start by being close to them and taking the time needed to seduce them.

The same applies in all contexts. You can not ask your boss for a pay raise if you have not shown this your value first. Nor can you make a radical change in your life if you do not close some doors and open others. The key is to gradually inject each situation with humor and charisma, to show yourself and your worth in all contexts.

There will be times when you have to take a step back, but that’s okay because it means learning something you did not know. It helps you calibrate new options and see everything from a different perspective as you gain new momentum going forward.

Basically, how to take initiative is not just about courage. It’s about knowing how to plan, show patience and manage your emotions in a good way. All so that you can work with full courage and enthusiasm. Acting on impulse is not effective when it comes to taking initiative. What is effective is to act reflexively and with intelligence.

Basically, everyone can train themselves to take the initiative and get the life they want.

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