How To Reduce Anxiety With Grounding

The best thing about grounding is how easy it is. You can do it almost anytime, anywhere, and it is a great tool for reducing anxiety.
So you can reduce anxiety with grounding

Grounding is a type of very simple relaxation exercises. They are especially good if you experience a lot of stress or anxiety. As the name suggests, the exercise involves connecting to the earth in a literal and figurative way. Grounding is an effective method of reducing anxiety.

This method helps to reduce tension, but it can also be appropriate during periods when you experience confusion, fear or sadness and there is no obvious event, such as danger or loss, that can explain the feelings.

A study conducted by researchers at the University of California supports the benefits of grounding to reduce anxiety and stress. From a physiological perspective, grounding reduces inflammation while strengthening the immune system and the feeling of vitality and well-being. Sounds pretty good, right? With that said, let’s take a closer look at what technology is all about.

Woman who should try grounding to reduce anxiety

Classic grounding techniques to reduce anxiety

It is important to mention that there are different versions of grounding, but the “original” means a direct encounter with nature. If you feel more calm as you walk along the beach or through the forest, you “ground” spontaneously. Grounding – which in the true sense of the word means getting in touch with the ground – is not a mysterious ritual with complicated rules. It’s about becoming a part of your natural environment.

To do this simple exercise, start by taking off your socks and shoes. Then go to a place with grass, sand or rocks. It is of course important to make sure that you do not go anywhere where you can injure your feet.

All you have to do is walk without interruption for ten minutes. Focus on the emotions you experience in the soles of your feet. Try to breathe slowly. It is best if you perform this exercise outdoors as it provides the most benefits.

What are the benefits of this simple exercise? According to studies on the subject, your skin’s direct contact with the earth is relaxing. In addition, it is a kind of natural massage to go along an uneven surface. Advocates believe that this exercise will help you return to your center.

Alternative grounding techniques

As we mentioned above, there is more than one version of this exercise. Another popular is a kind of “mindfulness version”. Here you should also be barefoot, but here you start by sitting in a chair somewhere where you can have your feet properly placed against the ground. Start breathing normally. Deepen your inhalation and exhalation step by step.

After a few minutes in this position, when you feel that your breathing is deep and even, focus all your attention on the soles of your feet. Try to notice all the sensations: the structure of the ground, the temperature of the feet, etc.

Three minutes where you pay attention to your feet and your breathing is enough. Bringing all this focus and concentration to your feet plants you steadily here and now. It is as if you put a parenthesis in your anxiety and gave yourself the opportunity to take a break for a moment. This exercise may be short, but you will feel much better afterwards.

Stands barefoot on wooden floors

A third variant

There is another version of grounding that also involves mindfulness. Many call it the 5-4-3-2-1 grounding technique. It is a simple exercise that is perfect when you feel overwhelmed or out of control.

Start by taking a few deep breaths. Then name five things you can see around you. It can be anything, there are no wrong answers. Then close your eyes and mention four things you can touch around you. Then name three things you can hear, two things you can smell and one thing you can taste. Take time for everyone. That’s all!

This mini therapy session is perfect for taking you back to earth and the present. Anxiety arises when your mind projects into a future that it perceives as threatening. This exercise, and others like it, take you back to the moment and dispel anxiety and calm a rushing mind.

As you can see, all three grounding techniques are very simple. Consequently, you can do them anywhere when you need to relax. None of them take very long, but they can make a world of difference in your mood. Try one today!

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