How To Perform Well In A Group Interview

The key to success in a group interview is preparation. Being familiar with the company’s philosophy, practicing a role and stepping into it, using brainstorming and controlling your emotions will make you stand out from the rest.
How to perform well in a group interview

It is quite common to go to group interviews these days, which is why you should be prepared for them. In this way, you will be able to emphasize your potential and stand out from the rest.

Applying for a job is as stressful as it is exhausting. Job interviews are a big part of this process. From this point of view, there are people who know how to handle group interviews in a good way. However, others are anxious in these situations because they do not know what to expect.

Our advice is to  be yourself. Stand out, but do not exaggerate, be confident and charismatic, but above all be natural. After all, we all have much more to offer than what we write in the CV. We are much more than our education, our diplomas and our work experience.

Being prepared will help you perform well in a group interview.

Stand out from the crowd

How to be successful in a group interview

Group interviews have not replaced personal interviews yet. However, they are starting to become popular for several reasons. First and foremost, they help recruiters see how people behave in a team. This helps them evaluate: how a candidate reacts in different situations, communication, leadership, creativity and his interpersonal and problem-solving skills.

We need to add another variable to the mix: companies want to save resources, especially time. Group interviews allow them to place candidates in real-life situations and evaluate them in a short time.

More and more companies are using these types of interviews nowadays, which is why it is important to know the different types:

Forum group interview

The group must prepare a presentation on a specific topic. It is a dynamic where skills such as verbal and non-verbal communication can be evaluated.

Debate interview

A candidate must choose a specific page which he or she will then defend to the rest of the group.

Brainstorming interview

This dynamic is interesting and very helpful. Each applicant must provide ideas, approaches, solutions and useful concepts on each topic that the interviewer addresses.

Panel interview

Each participant must defend and show how they would solve a problem or develop an idea by presenting it from different perspectives. Creativity is highly valued.

Role-playing interview

In this type of group interview, the interviewer will address a hypothetical scenario and ask you to come up with a strategy to solve it.

“In basketball” exercise

The applicant must deal with common situations he will encounter at work. This dynamic takes into account the technical aspects of the job.

Basic keys to passing a group interview


Although emotional and psychological preparation is key, it is also important to know everything you can about the position you want, as well as the recruiting company.

  • The company’s website can give you an idea of ​​its policies and philosophy. You can also look at the profiles of people who are employed by the organization. This will help you come up with a list of possible questions that they can ask you, and thus prepare answers.
  • Modify your CV by taking into account the current position.
  • Your appearance is very important. Have a neat, comfortable image and wear clothes that are well suited for the role in the company.
  • Arrive at least 10 minutes before the interview starts.


  • Prepare a short presentation of yourself.
  • It is very important to be polite to the rest of the candidates. Greet them, shake hands and pay attention to them all.
  • Speak clearly and confidently. Answer, but also ask questions.
Climb your career

How to behave during a group interview

Self-confidence and openness  are important during a group interview. Also avoid interrupting other participants, not paying attention to them, slamming them or trying to be the center of events.

  • Try to come up with original contributions.
  • Some infectious enthusiasm that conveys the mental image that you have already got the job.
  • You should have questions for the interviewer  and show interest in the company’s goals.

Conclusion on conducting a group interview

You should mentally prepare for the group interview. Check your anxiety and prepare for the things we talked about today. Having exceptional technical skills is often not enough, as communication and emotional intelligence are highly valued as well.

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