How To Detect Negative People

How to detect negative people

How can you detect negative people and begin to recognize their behavior? There are many different stereotypes and logical fallacies that can sometimes lead you to believe that your own behavior is free from negativity.

At the same time, there are people who carry negativity like a flag and freely want to share it with everything they say and do. In the name of truth, we all risk becoming negative people if we have a bad day.

So that’s why we ask: what exactly do negative people do? It is important to be aware that these behaviors become increasingly harmful as their frequency and intensity increase, and that negativity is not an absolute, but something that happens to varying degrees. But it is in our hands to avoid repeating these behaviors once we have become aware of their nature.

People do this out of insecurity, jealousy or simply because there is nothing else to talk about. Negative people never stop analyzing other people’s behaviors in a negative way. They reveal secrets and judge people based on a binary scale (good / bad, crazy / sensible, useless / brilliant). And they never do this to be helpful and contribute solutions – they just want the right thing.

Sad girls

The fundamental difference between being negative and confronting interpersonal conflicts is that with the former you poison your surroundings and the people in it, and also do not act sincerely. If you do not care about them, you can just move on without causing havoc.

Many people dream of having a job that gives them stability and comfort, but these two qualities also create rigidity if they progress indefinitely. This can result in a lack of empathy and communication, rigid conversations and rapid social judgments and stereotypes.

The same kind of convenience can be extrapolated to personal relationships: there may be some degree of stability in your relationships, but that does not mean there is enrichment. People who sit still in their eternal comfort become insensitive to other people’s daily lives. We do not intend to overuse the clichéd concept of comfort zones, but be aware that quality of life is not synonymous with conformity.

When people only seek opinions that confirm their point of view without considering other ways of thinking, they end up being consumed by a reductive view of the world and the people in it.

Thinking in extremes is not only a characteristic of ignorance and lack of defined identity, but also a ramp to the kind of rampant negativity that censors everything that is not comfortable for that person. It is a mechanism for basic functioning of repressive individuals who lack both individual and collective awareness of the environment in which they live. It is self-determining through social, moral and economic annulment of all others.

Humans are social beings, and when you try to block yourself from everyone else, you deprive yourself of your safety net. Just because social relationships have stopped contributing something positive to you, does not mean that you can not add more people to your social network. You can meet new people in new situations and maintain the relationships that are still important to you.

The key to social well-being is anchoring and adjustment: anchoring yourself in meaningful relationships and adjusting your direction towards new social circles that have similar values ​​and goals.

Crying girl

There are a few clear consequences of having a big ego: lack of self-criticism, rigidity in close relationships and seeking recognition rather than self-improvement.

This results in negativity based on people’s lack of knowledge about themselves as well as suspicion towards those who do not reinforce their beliefs about themselves. But they do not care; they still value the work you do disproportionately and expect the same evaluation from others.

Many people hide their shortcomings by blaming family and friends. They explain away that they are late, rude and empathetic by blaming a difficult family situation that is not always real and that does not justify their behavior.

We have all gone through difficult experiences in childhood, but that does not justify irresponsibility for our own actions and ignorance of the chance to correct our mistakes.

Negative people tend to insist on pursuing unattainable goals and dismiss more realistic and achievable goals that can serve as a bridge to bigger things.

This often involves a need to justify themselves through the inability to achieve the very difficult goals, which validates their situation in the eyes of others and protects their self-image.

Girl with two shadows

Working too much does not imply greater ability or sense of responsibility. It usually indicates an inability to filter their challenges or manage their time properly. This has consequences not only for work, but also for one’s leisure time.

People who find themselves having no free time and days full of obligations they do not like, tend to lean towards negativity. That’s why it’s so important to keep your agenda organized and structured, so that you can give yourself space to breathe and regain strength.

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