How Our Failures Can Make Us Successful

How our failures can make us successful

The concept of failure is a stigma in our society. From childhood, the looks we get at failures or mistakes are similar to those we get when we behave badly. Then we start looking at ourselves in the same way. But that’s wrong, because failures can make us successful.

Instead of being happy to have found a wrong path that we can now dismiss, we get angry at ourselves. We scold and fill ourselves with sorrow, as if it is the right feeling for this moment.

When we do not see that failures can make us successful and benefit us, we will also close our minds, abandon the project in question and tell ourselves that we are worthless. How can we benefit from what these mistakes want to teach us if we react like this? How do we learn if we’re just trying to erase everything that’s happened?

People who do not accept failure or who do not know how to benefit from it are usually people with low self-acceptance. They tend to seek perfectionism in everything they do, and when they realize that they are not perfect and their expectations are not met, they just give up and fall into hopelessness.

This attitude has no purpose and will only make people with high potential and good skills stop trying, due to the fear of failure again. This attitude prevents them from leaving the comfort zone, and they never grow.

Fear of fear

The person who never fails is one who never tries. He only stays where he knows the risks are minimal. But the truth is that these people long for a more exciting life, with challenges and goals to achieve. It is not even very necessary to fulfill these dreams or be successful…

When we stop trying for fear of failure, we already embrace the failure. That way, we can feel less pain and stress due to the absence of the anxiety we would feel in a situation that challenges our abilities.

But if we are willing to tackle the challenges and anxiety, life will take on a much more vibrant color.

Failure is not a door to the abandonment of our dreams, but must be the signal that we are growing. It should be an indicator that we are exploring new paths, and thanks to this, our abilities are improving, maturing and developing.

It is true that failure is not something we can control. The truth is that if you want to succeed, you must assume that you will make mistakes along the way. What is under your control is the ability to keep fighting no matter what happens.

This is where we can invest our energies and get very positive results.

Failures are not the end, they are just intermediate steps. It is an irreplaceable movement towards success or triumph in this specific area of ​​life. Therefore , failures have more advantages than disadvantages.

All we have to do is realize this in order to become more aware that failure does not define us. It just means that next time we will do things differently.

Dare to make hope

Failures can make us successful, but before that we must learn to deal with them better. To do so , the first step is a complicated but important one – accepting what we cannot change. We should not continue to complain or mutter about the cards we have received. The cards will not be dealt again, so we just have to start a new “game”.

Regardless of the result, the cards in our hand will not define us, nor will we always play with the same card. We are not defined by our thoughts or our behavior. We are much more than that. We are complex beings in constant change who learn and look for opportunities for improvement.

The next step is to adjust our expectations. We must be very clear about what our “true self” and our “ideal self” are. Our “true self” is the person we are, neither more nor less. I am shaped by my personal characteristics, abilities, virtues, defects and limitations.

I know how I am, I know what I can and cannot do.

Our “ideal self” is the person we think we are, but in reality are not . If we have very high expectations of ourselves and believe more in our “ideal” than our “true” self, we will suffer when reality shows that we must adjust these expectations.

Finally, we must learn to tolerate the frustrations of life. Our projects and dreams will not always go the way we want, but that does not mean we are defeated. We just have to accept what we do not like, including our own mistakes. Let us learn from them, for failures can make us successful.

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