How Much Do You Lose Due To Fear Of Loss

How much you lose due to fear of loss

Sometimes we are invaded for fear of loss that sends us into the atmosphere. And so, captured by it, everything around us seems different, cloudy. As if we were wearing cloudy glasses and our vision was foggy.

These are the stains of fear, of assumptions, of our “think about” and “maybe”, what we should have done, and they put sticks in the wheels for us.

How many times have they prevented us from moving forward? How much have we lost because of fear of loss?

And sometimes the cloth we use to wipe off these stains actually makes things worse rather than wiping them off. The solution, strategy or option we chose actually soothes the fear, when it and makes it stronger.

It’s like when we tell someone who’s angry to calm down and they get even angrier, or when we tell ourselves not to think about something that makes us absent and it makes us even more absent.

The stains that cloud our vision blind us to things that afflict us, and we stumble through the fog between confusion and uncertainty.

Woman in fog suffering from fear of loss

Fear must be felt so that we can find out what it has to say, but without extremes.

And sometimes it is fear itself that captivates us, and we are left with the stains of expectations and assumptions; we imagine an uncertain future that is scary and real for us in these moments. That’s when we start losing things, people or experiences because we are afraid of losing them.

The consequences of fear of loss

Due to fear of loss, you have changed your decisions. Feel comfortable where you are. Stayed in the safety of the familiar instead of taking risks. Chose to be quiet instead of talking.

Because of the fear of loss , you have done so much to prevent the loss of someone or something that you have sometimes created the conditions that caused you to lose them.

Never stop doing something for fear of loss. Not for anything, not for anyone… not even for yourself.

The biggest danger is that you will stop trying for fear of losing.


Remember that fear comes from the unknown, from the belief that we can not control anything, anyone or ourselves.

A fear that becomes a vicious circle

Fear makes us lose, and loss makes us afraid. It is a sign that something is happening inside us, but it should not be allowed to break us down.

Fear is a projection of the future, the power of our imagination in motion, an expectation of situations and experiences, probably because something did not happen in the way we expected. The fear of loss lies in the future that does not exist, and it takes strength from our minds, makes our dreams impossible and causes us to lose endless possibilities.

The fear of loss gives us a life full of loss. We lose ourselves, because this only happens in the present, and the future remains a mystery. To live in fear is not to let yourself live, to disconnect from the here and now.

So make sure to live!

Woman with umbrella

We are not going to promise that you will not suffer losses in your life, it is impossible, but you should learn to live the losses in spite, to fight for what you want and, most importantly, not to betray yourself.

To be honest; How much more are you willing to lose?

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