Getting Away To Get New Perspectives And Thoughts

One way to alleviate your anxiety and to get in touch with your true self and your real needs is to get some distance. But to do that, you do not have to board a flight. Sometimes it is enough that you take a long walk in solitude to calm down and “see more clearly” on things.
Getting away to get new perspectives and thoughts

Getting away can be a great way for you to gain perspective and temporarily move away from things you have close to you.

It can help you make better decisions and sort out your thoughts, desires and feelings.

This is not always easy to do, because we tend to attach great importance to our immediate reality. But it’s really worth a try.

Here is a fact we find interesting: We humans are experts at creating distance at almost every stage of our lives. But this often leads to an overactive and confused mind.

It’s a bit like getting lost in a maze of worries, wandering thoughts and memories. That kind of mental process does not help you. They are of no use and can easily make you completely exhausted.

In his book  Focus , Daniel Goleman talks about how we need to train our attention. Strange as it may sound, a good way to do this is to get some form of distance.

A distance that allows your brain to lighten the anchor from all meaningless mental noise and sail on in calm, quiet water. It’s about going to a place where you can focus on what’s important.

Read on to discover what steps can help you get there.

Thinking woman in nature

Getting away to gain perspective is the key to better decision making

A new word has emerged in psychology. It is “self-distance”. This is a fascinating concept that refers to such things as improved stress and anxiety management.

In part, it’s about making better decisions and giving your creative process room to develop.

There are several studies in the field. University researchers affiliated with key psychology institutions around the United States published this study in 2018.

Dr. Michael Duckworth and Dr. Al Kross stated that just looking at a soothing, eye-catching landscape can help us get away from our immediate reality and connect with ourselves.

In other words, you do not necessarily have to pack your bags to get away and get new perspectives.

In fact, it takes no more than a few kilometers to physically move away from your daily existence and environment.

It is usually enough to learn to distance yourself mentally. This can bring a lot of unexpected benefits.

The art of seeing the world in another person

If there is one thing we talk about a lot from a psychological point of view, it is the importance of being present. Furthermore, we focus a lot on the importance of being able to synchronize thoughts and needs.

Sometimes it is expressed in that we strive to get away to get a new perspective. One way for us to do this is to see ourselves, and the world, in another person.

You may be wondering what the purpose of this is. Well, it’s a great way to turn down the volume on your emotional noise. This means that you can talk to yourself in a friendly but direct way.

This also gives you the opportunity to analyze your inner world in an objective, calm and thoughtful way. And where can you do this better than in a quiet place? Here are some tips for what the dialogue might look like:

  • What is bothering you?
  • So what do you think your best resort is right now?
  • What can you do to solve the problem?
  • Just remember: You deserve to be happy, but you have to be brave. Everything will be fine.

With self-distancing, you have the chance to turn off your self-centered inner monologue for a while. This allows you to evaluate your life from an emotionally calmer perspective, which is disconnected from your ego.

Woman holding a cloud

Psychological distance as a tool to feel better

As you can see, you do not have to travel miles to gain perspective. On the contrary, it is often the case that you do not escape worries and problems by traveling to the other side of the world. It is a fact.

What can really help, however, is to learn to create psychological distance.

“Psychological distance” is a concept that is backed up in various studies. Dr. Yaacov Thope, a professor of psychology at New York University, conducted an interesting study in this area. This is what he discovered:

  • Sometimes you have to go beyond what is here and now. This means that you bring your thoughts to a quiet place where you can be more objective when it comes to stressful moments. In addition, it is a way to make sure that certain circumstances, behaviors and stimuli do not affect you too much.
  • Psychological distancing can help you establish a healthier dialogue with yourself. This means that you say things like  “Do not let it affect you”, “Think about what is best for you”  and  “Choose what is best for your well-being”

In conclusion, it is important that you understand the great effect it can have on your psychological state that you get away to get new perspectives.

If you practice getting away mentally, this can help you deal with your daily stress much better. At the same time, even a real physical movement, such as a journey, can be very therapeutic and valuable.

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