Emotional Abuse Hurts The Soul

Emotional abuse hurts the soul

There are abuses that do not leave any physical marks on the skin, but that leave emotional wounds on the soul – open wounds that are difficult to heal. These are situations when one person dominates another and where contempt, stupidity or criticism are the main elements of the relationship. We’re talking about emotional abuse.

A word, a gesture or just a silence can be enough to send a dagger straight into your heart. A heart that gradually deteriorates and weakens, constantly numb with the immediate possibility that the other person will revolt; fear and guilt have already been established…

Emotional abuse is a very present reality in these times, and it does not care about age, gender or social status. We can all fall victim to this situation at some point in our lives, whether it is from a lover, our family or even at work.

Everyone can fall victim

The danger of such abuses lies in its consequences and its ability to go unnoticed. Emotional abuse is a silent process that has always been going on for some time when it is discovered, which has devastating consequences for the person affected. At first it is slow and quiet, and comes from a seemingly charming person who has the goal of seducing his victims in order to catch them, especially when it comes to couples. In this way, the reality that the perpetrator shows becomes a false reality, full of promises and desires that will never become a reality.

The perpetrator prepares the ground so that the other person will fall into his trap a little at a time, until he finally uses his evil influences to dominate the other person and deprive him of his freedom.

Emotional abuse is a powerful prison that destroys the person’s identity and deprives them of emotional strength. It gets indirect fuel and seeps in through the holes in a person’s life, after which it lets in insinuations and suggestions that try to blame and instill doubt in the victim.

The victims of emotional abuse are caught in a mental prison of inability and insecurity, where self-esteem gradually deteriorates.

Once the victim is captured, the perpetrator begins to reveal who he really is through contempt, criticism, insults or even silence. The marks from this abuse are therefore not physical and there are no visible wounds on the victim’s skin, for emotional abuse is exercised through words, silence and gestures.

The damage caused by these situations is so severe that the fear leads you to believe that there is no way out. The mental prison is so strong that the victim steps into a deeply helpless situation that he or she can not imagine getting out of.

Imprisoned in a mental prison

The wounds of emotional abuse are deep ones, reaching the innermost parts of the victim. They cannot be seen or heard, but are strongly experienced by the person affected. The wounds are hidden from others, but are incredibly painful for the victim.

The wounds of emotional abuse create a deep hole in the person’s self-esteem by breaking down all positive self-esteem.

They are wounds that come from the contempt and the derogatory comments that the perpetrator has directed at the victim. Invisible wounds, rooted in fear, guilt and doubt that snatch away the belief that there is an opportunity to escape the situation.

These wounds bleed not only at every incident, but also when they are expected to occur. The important thing is that the person does not give up hope of the opportunity to get out of the situation he or she is in, and that you keep in mind that the wounds can be healed with a little help.


In these cases, the most important thing is that the victim identifies the situation in which he or she was caught, where the person is weighed down by the feelings of guilt that the perpetrator has convinced him or her. Becoming aware that we are in a process of emotional abuse is therefore the first step in freeing ourselves.

Once we know how deeply we have been caught and resume contact with loved ones who can provide support to get out of the situation, we will be able to move forward. With their love and affection, we can fill some of the voids that have opened up within us.

Seeking professional help will also help us begin to rebuild our identity and self-esteem, to heal all invisible, emotional wounds that have filled our inner being. That way we can find ourselves again.

Healing the wounds from these abuses in the soul will not be a simple or quick process, but rather complex and slow. However, the satisfaction of finding oneself again will always be worth it.

Let us also not forget that we can all cause these wounds in other people’s souls when we show contempt, ignore or criticize them, without reaching the same extremes as emotional abuse. Our words and gestures are double-edged swords that must be guarded…

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