Delicate People Are The Ones Who Seem Strongest

Delicate people are the ones who seem strongest

Delicate people are the ones who seem strongest. People who wear thick armor and radiate courage often hide a heart of glass, a deep sorrow they have never managed to overcome.

People who are secretly fragile are usually also quite sensitive. A small act of gratitude or kindness can fill them with happiness. But the slightest mistake or disappointment can drive them to extreme hopelessness. This hypersensitivity often runs counter to the world around them.

We all know people who look like they could carry any weight on their shoulders, but rest assured, they are wearing a mask of false strength. They wear armor, but if you touch it, you will see that the secret tears they have cried have caused it to rust.

Delicate people hide their sensitivity. Although they are wise, they have a high need for respect. Their skin is very thin and they react immediately to any changes, humiliations or misunderstandings, which can sometimes feel threatening.

Butterfly on hand

Let’s start by defining what we mean by emotional vulnerability. It has nothing to do with being weak. Above all, it is to see and understand reality from a more intimate perspective, straight from the heart. But it also brings with it emotional vulnerability.

To protect their fragile interior, they tend to put up various shields. Some people show a strong and energetic character to set boundaries. Sometimes it seems as if they are at war with the world. However, it is important to remember that people who are always on their guard will make themselves exhausted due to all the psychological and emotional energy used.

To live in constant self-defense only creates more suffering.

Girl on the moon

When vulnerable people have suffered great damage, they can become distrustful. They slowly begin to develop a sensitive character and will interpret all actions as threatening. Insignificant conversations turn into battles. Some tones start to sound offensive. As Leonardo da Vinci said, “Where there is sensitivity, there is more martyrdom.”

But everyone can channel this fragility in a creative, healthy and powerful way to reduce their suffering.

You have always been this way, and it feels like everything you have done so far was to survive. As a child, you created a fantasy world because you did not like what you saw. As a teenager, you came to the conclusion that no one understood you, and then you felt scared. And now, in adulthood, you feel as if no one loves you the way you deserve, and in addition to fear, you also feel anger.

You have covered yourself with more and more layers and completely disconnected yourself from the only thing that can give you what you need: your self-esteem. Realize that life is not a battlefield where you constantly have to defend yourself. Growing, maturing and moving forward involves feedback with yourself so you can stop seeing enemies where there are none. Below we will explain how you can do this.

Woman walking on rope

We dismiss fragility almost instinctively. Perceiving ourselves as fragile people is a threat to us, so we choose to put up walls. But it really becomes a problem when after a bad experience you get angry and are constantly looking for someone to blame, due to fear of being hurt again.

To prevent this from happening , you need to be able to reduce your hypersensitivity. If it feels like the whole world around you is full of needles, your skin and your sensitive heart will crack by reducing stings.

Try to stay calm, because sometimes you are your own worst enemy. Let your mind find balance. Do not focus too much on what other people do or say to validate you. The only person who can validate you is yourself.

This overly subjective view of everything around you will result in obsessions. Remember that people react to how you make them feel. If you’re always on the defensive, seeing threats around every corner, you’ll push people away. Do not fall into this vicious circle.

Delicate people can find ways to express themselves through things such as art, painting, music and other creative activities. Find a way to channel your sensitivity to ease the burden.

In conclusion, you should remember that fragile people possess a great virtue, but being hypersensitive can be a shortcoming. If you are a little more sensitive and emotional than others, do not see it as a curse. Being fragile is not the same as being weak; it is to perceive everything around you more intensely. Take care of your self-esteem and take advantage of this gift.

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