Definite Indifference: What It Is And How It Works

Definite indifference: what it is and how it works

Definite indifference is a new term first used for relationship-related issues. Slowly but surely, however, the concept has been introduced in other fields and has proven to be a useful way to handle different situations.

Specific indifference is a type of behavior that intentionally blocks all types of external reactions in a given situation. You act as if it does not matter to you and does not affect you in any way. It is a form of simulated behavior because the purpose is not to reveal what you really feel for the other person.

When people use definite indifference, it is an attempt not to expose their true feelings for the person. In principle, it may seem like a form of manipulation, but it is actually the exact opposite.

The idea is to avoid showing weaknesses so that the other person does not manipulate you when some form of power play takes place. That is why the word “definite” has been added to this type of indifference.

Our love lives can sometimes be like a dance on roses, but other times they are battlefields. There are often power games in them, and we are not just talking about the gender inequality that exists around the world.

Couples do not talk

In a relationship, both parties often try to get a grip on each other. One or both want to see how much influence they have over the other. This happens mainly at the beginning of the relationship. It also happens when the relationship ends but everything has not been investigated yet, and one or both want to see if there is a chance to unite.

It’s like a form of emotional arm wrestling, and in these cases, definite indifference can be a good option. You pretend that you do not feel anything for the person, either to avoid an ex-partner manipulating you or to prevent the relationship from resuming.

It is not a matter of deceiving or deceiving, but a tactic for a good cause.

Certain indifference is also an appropriate response when we have constant conflicts with certain people. An example might be a co-worker who always contradicts you and leaves a sour aftertaste. You know that the person will not change; for some reason the individual is always looking for conflicts with you.

If you can see that dialogue is impossible, the best option is to use definite indifference. This means that you do not give in to provocations, ignore offensive comments and cut all ties to the person. The goal is not to offer any kind of response to what is being said to you, as it will only make the situation worse.

However, if you are subjected to outright harassment at work, you must of course raise this with your boss or human resources manager.

People at a meeting

Over time, definite indifference becomes a valid way to disarm the other person’s abusive behavior. When the person sees that he is not getting anywhere with his ridiculous games, he will sooner or later give up.

Certain indifference can also be used in our daily conflicts. Disagreements with other people are a part of life. Most often, such disputes are insignificant. But sometimes they give rise to more serious confrontations. In one way or another, we must constantly decide whether or not to pursue things.

Part of the determination is to decide which situations we should pursue. This determination is exactly what allows you to defend your rights effectively. To put an end to mental abuse. But to do that effectively, you need to learn to distinguish between when your rights are at stake and when they are not.

Not all conflict situations need reactions. We can also simply “let it go”, and that is an important part of definite indifference. This means that we must assess which of our reactions will bring the most benefits and fewer negative consequences.

Responding to the aggression of a drunk person, for example, is only valid if he is really a threat to something.

Certain indifference is therefore a tool that can help us deal with different conflict situations, but in an intelligent way. Sometimes the best thing we can do is do nothing. The alternative of not doing anything is actually what this whole concept revolves around.

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