Comparisons Are Still Not Good

Comparisons are still not a good thing

We live in a world of constant comparisons that does nothing but raise or lower our self-confidence.

When you compare, there will always be someone who loses and someone who wins. This is never something positive, not even for the person who wins. Comparing ourselves to others or comparing ourselves to others does not lead to anything good in life.

We are not a photocopy of anyone else and we should not compare ourselves with others. Each of us is unique and special; comparing ourselves to others is a way of trying to be better even though we are really different.

You are unique in the world!


Although we grow up with a series of predetermined things (how to behave, talk, etc.…) and that we can “copy” ways of talking and being from our family members, the truth is that each of us is unique in the world. .

There will never be someone like you. Even if you think so, it is impossible. Comparisons are therefore something that does not help anyone at all. Comparisons mean that you motivate the favoring person in the comparison and at the same time try to pressure the other person to become the same.

This is something completely impossible. The person who is not favored in the comparison will never, no matter how much effort put in, be like the favored one. This will only generate frustration, because the person will never achieve what others expect, or what the person expects of themselves.

It is important that we reflect on the subject of comparing ourselves with others, because it is a clear example of jealousy.

When we are jealous of someone else, we will try to be like that person, to achieve what that person has achieved. But do you expect to be like this person? Maybe it’s in your hands not to follow the same path. Follow your own, and do not try to follow the paths of others.

Comparing oneself with others does not bring with it anything good, but only negative emotions. Even if the comparison is not born of jealousy, it may create malice towards the other person who has pulled the longest straw.

Say goodbye to comparisons


Now that you understand that comparing yourself with someone else is not a good thing, it is important that you stop. The people around you will surely continue to compare you with others, and even your inner “I” may have this tendency at times.

But regardless of whether it is you or others who do this, it is time to turn a deaf ear because it makes you feel bad.

  • Do not seek the approval of others: Comparing ourselves with others causes us to worry about how others view us, and we will therefore always look for ways that make others accept us. We will also feel insecure, not knowing if we are good enough, nor will we be safe on the path we walk in life. Be confident in yourself and follow your own path; on it you will achieve great things.
  • Do not try to be admired or admire others: This is something that feeds your ego. It is better to find someone who can be a source of inspiration for you, who will help you achieve your own goals. Do not expect that by admiring someone you will become like this person.
  • No one is perfect: You probably look at that person you are comparing yourself to as a perfect person, but that’s not the case in reality. This is a reality that your mind has wanted to create. No one is perfect, not even you.

Now that you know that you should flee from comparisons, it’s time to throw them in the trash, look ahead and start being yourself. You have a unique and special personality; you just have to discover it. You will then feel satisfied with yourself and not feel that you need to care about what others think. Believe in yourself, and be yourself.


Photos by June Leeloo.

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