Common Myths About Singles We Have To Crack

Marriage is not the only bliss and being single is not necessarily a nightmare. Although there are still a lot of myths about singles, the truth is that more and more people are choosing to live alone in today’s society.
Common myths about singles we have to crack

Although times have changed, there are some myths about singles  who survive. In fact, until recently, being single was considered a form of failure.

Finding a partner, forming your own family and living happily ever after was the coveted norm.

But the thing is, marriage and family are no longer synonymous with success. Marriages can break up and families can be dysfunctional, and it can have heartbreaking effects.

And when people began to realize that, the myths about singles also began to disappear.

Of course, a partner can add a lot to a person’s life. But that does not mean that you have to live in pairs. That is why many people have rejected this type of connection.

However, one still hears negative myths about singles. Let’s take a look at some of these.

Single people can be just as happy as married people.

Singles are less happy

This is one of the most common myths about singles. Some people think that people get bitter just because they do not live with a partner.

Usually, the first stages of a love story are marked by euphoria and enthusiasm. But at some point in the relationship, cohabiting couples pass this phase.

When you move in with a partner, you have to adapt to different changes and you will have to deal with disagreements.

The same is true of people living alone: they can be as happy or unhappy as married people. It all depends on how they manage their resources and their daily lives.

Myths about singles: loneliness

The fact that you live alone does not mean that you will feel lonely. Just as living with a partner does not necessarily mean that you feel in good company.

Everyone is lonely to some degree and the bonds you create with others can push loneliness aside. But it can never be completely repressed.

And a single person may feel less alone than a person living in a relationship. Because sometimes marriage can limit the social relationships of individuals.

Most often, the focus is mainly on the partner and the children, while friends and family are given less priority. However, singles have more time left to develop various meaningful relationships.

Singles are constantly thinking about getting married

This is one of the myths about singles that lives on, because it is based on the idea that you are a failure if you are single.

Some people still do not realize that many men and women around the world have actually consciously decided not to enter into a relationship. Nowadays, there are more varied lifestyles.

Some people prefer to spend all their time traveling the world; others are more focused on their careers; still others have simply not found anyone who motivates them to make big changes.

In short, it is not necessary for singles to dream of getting married or getting a love partner.

They are self-absorbed

Psychologist Bella DePaulo from Harvard University wrote a book entitled  Singled Out: How Singles Are Stereotyped, Stigmatized, and Ignored, and Still Live Happily Ever After.

In it, she presents some interesting information about the myths surrounding singles.

For example, that only 30% of married people are willing to assist family members and friends or humanitarian aid organizations, while the corresponding figure for singles is 70%. 

Single people often have more time to develop social relationships.

Myths about singles: “Young butter” or people who have not “come out”

The word “young lady” has a negative connotation and usually refers to people who have reached a certain age without getting married. But really, it is a designation that reveals an outdated mentality.

At the same time, there is also a notion that those who have been single all their lives have not yet “come out of the closet”.

In both cases, there is the issue of prejudice. What was once considered “odd” is becoming more common today.

DePaulo points out that right now, for the first time in history, there are more people in the UK who are single – about 51% – than who are married.

In the US, the figure is about 41% and in other countries, such as Chile, it is about 30%.

It is not a good idea to remain single if you want to live in a relationship. But it is also not good to get married just because your prejudices tell you to do so.

Nowadays we live in much more changing times, which means you can live as you want.

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