Awaken The Abundance Within You

Awaken the abundance within you

Many of us maintain a kind of mentality that focuses on our shortcomings: we become obsessed with everything we lack instead of being aware of everything we already have. Being grateful for all that we are and what we have around us is without a doubt the best way to get close to the authentic abundance.

It is not a modern disease. It is an indefinable feeling that we are missing something and that we are going to the edge to an abyss where some kind of deficiency can always be found. It is the eternal existential crisis in man. It is important to control and rationalize this type of thinking. Otherwise, this deficiency will grow as weeds, as vines that eventually cover the windows of the house.

We also know that it is not easy to deal with this feeling. It is not because the current social inequality makes the word “deficiency” more obvious than before. The lack of a job, an income or an uncertain future makes the concept of abundance sound ironic to us. But by understanding this term and applying it to our reality from a motivational perspective, we can respond to our daily lives in a wiser way.


Natural abundance and artificial abundance

There is a very interesting book entitled “Sapiens, a brief history of humankind” , from the historian Yuval Harari. In this book he makes a provocative analysis of the history of evolution and the success of Homo sapiens. The reader finally feels that the cruelty of our species seems to have pushed ethics down in many scenarios.

One of the aspects that Dr. Harari points out is that we have become accustomed to living in what we can define as “artificial abundance”. As an example, we have overexploited the natural world to the point that we force it to offer us much more than the balance that the earth and the ecosystem allow us. Our modernity is also oriented towards that materialism where “accumulation” or “getting over things” defines an individual’s status. The lack of this causes discomfort and unhappiness.

We have distorted the authentic and original concept of abundance. In the natural world, abundance is, above all, balance and respect. It is to appreciate what is already there, that which surrounds us, without the need to disturb its harmony. So that it can offer us more than what is within its own possibilities.

Something that modern Homo sapiens no doubt cannot understand. Because, as Benjamin Franklin once said, we have reached a point where we believe time is money. But time is really nothing more than a gift we forget to use because it deserves to be used.

How to live in abundance

Abundance is not synonymous with money, accumulation of gadgets or even power. Abundance is that one believes in oneself to become whole, without flaws, without emptiness or a heart that is worn by the wind and that gives us the eternal feeling of being empty within us.

It may seem ironic, but it is during difficult times that it is most necessary to feel this inner abundance. It is only in this way that we will have an authentic psychological strength to face adversity, as well as take advantage of opportunities and become more open to everything around us.


The keys to constructing an authentic inner abundance

Many of us are very used to what is known as “motivation through lack”. “My phone is still good, but now the latest generation of this brand has come out and everyone has it. Of course, I can not be without it. “

There are many things we are missing. You may not have a home with great amenities. Your body may not have an ideal shape or your other half may have its shortcomings. There is also a possibility that you have not had an opportunity to go on that holiday destination, while your friends were there last summer. Living in a failing economy is like a virus. It is like an unstoppable disease that spreads a little at a time like a damp spot on a wall. It is always there, with its awful appearance.

Let us avoid that place that gives us this mental approach, where we focus our existence on the material sphere that is so exhausting. We will never be happy. Change the focus of your mental gaze. Orient yourself to what you already have in order to perceive where your true strengths, your true beauty and your abundance are.

Let us develop a state of mind that can embrace the positive and the present. Not one that is oriented towards that which does not exist in the present, that which does not exist or that which we lack. It is only when we can be grateful for what we are, for what defines and surrounds us, that we will be able to open the gates to success.

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