Avoid Raising Obsessive Children

Avoid raising obsessive-compulsive disorder

The esteemed author Oscar Wilde said: “The best way to avoid obsessive-compulsive disorder is to make them happy.” Does this mean that you have to do everything they want? Do you have to protect them from all the trauma? No, this would have created obsessive children, which is not the same as happy children.

We will here give you some useful tips to prevent your little ones from becoming tyrannical. Do not forget that there is no worse trauma than a childhood where you have had everything. This will make children frustrated in the future.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, with its constant demands, will not be easier to deal with if their parents agree to everything they want. In fact, this will only make it harder for them to control their behavior. They will then learn that they will get everything they want in the end. They just have to insist a little longer.

But an appropriate upbringing that focuses on a more reflective attitude with clear boundaries creates a healthier environment. It also means that relationships with people outside the family are not damaged by selfish demands. A good upbringing will give the children self-esteem. It makes them more independent and aware of their real needs.

How to identify obsessive-compulsive disorder

Have you ever considered that your children may be obsessive-compulsive? There are some activities that stand out. They will be easy for you to discover:

  • Children who are obsessive-compulsive are often unable to meet their own needs. They are so egocentric that it’s all about them. They do not know how to really appreciate what you get. They just want something, and they have to get it right away. But they do not get any real pleasure from this. Once they have received it, they start looking for something else.
  • Children who are obsessive-compulsive are starting to argue about new things all the time. They do not hesitate to change the order of things when they encounter resistance regarding what they want. It’s their tactic to get something, and once they know it works, they will continue to do the same.
  • Children who are obsessive-compulsive do not take care of their toys. They do not appreciate other people and are completely disorganized and uninterrupted. They can not focus and get bored easily. They tend not to be disciplined.

If you have noticed some or all of these symptoms in your little ones, it is best that you start working on this as soon as possible, because the children are on thin ice. If the problem persists, it can become chronic.

How to avoid raising obsessive-compulsive disorder

Trauma is actually something natural in life. We can not guarantee that our children will not suffer, because this is impossible. However, it is within our control to offer them a good upbringing so that they can overcome their problems with security.

ConcepciĆ³n Arenal said that “A criminal was once an unhappy child who lacked good role models”. You are doing your little ones a disservice by giving them everything they want.

However, you should not be overly tough or strict. You just have to use your common sense. You need to be honest and know how far you can go during each phase your child goes through:

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder children must eventually realize that life has rules and restrictions that they must abide by. The sooner they become aware of this, the better they will be able to understand these rules as they grow up. It is not at all traumatic; you only need to implement routines where the little ones feel safe.
  • When it comes to young children, distractions can be a great tool. You know your children well enough to notice when they get upset about something new. If you can distract them at the right moment, you will be able to prevent major problems from arising. But this requires constant attention.
  • The children need to understand the concept with exceptions. It is normal for a family member to let the children get away with things. But you should make them understand that this is not a common thing. There are some situations where they get what they want, but this is not a routine.
  • You should not forget that obsessive-compulsive disorder sometimes seeks attention. If this is the problem then it could be serious. So if you really want to avoid a bad upbringing then you need to make sure they get the love they need. For them, there is nothing better than spending time with and playing with their parents.

It is a complicated task to prevent children from becoming obsessive, and it requires patience. Children are experts and negotiate constantly, something that will undoubtedly strain your patience. But children must gradually learn to follow rules as this is an important part of their existence later in life.

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