Anxiolytics: The Pills That Are On Many Bedside Tables

Anxiolytics: the pills found on many bedside tables

Anxiolytics are drugs that doctors prescribe to relieve patients’ anxiety. They are sometimes also called “alcohol in tablet form”, alluding to how addictive they can be and how easily they can be used and abused. Nowadays, anxiolytics are seen on every other bedside table. They are over-prescribed and overused.

We live in a society that is dependent on drugs. It has become too easy to rely on prescription medications to try to solve various problems.

Anxiolytics have many side effects

Today we know better how and where anxiolytics (benzodiazepines) work compared to other drugs designed to treat psychiatric and psychological problems. They enhance the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA. GABA occurs in more than 30% of brain nerve synapses. GABA has the function of inhibiting the electrical nerve impulses. So the real effect of GABA is to lower the nerves’ ability to send signals.

The receptors on which benzodiazepines act are not just associated with anxiety. These receptors also affect memory and the body’s motor abilities. Consequently, benzodiazepines have no specific effect, but are associated with a variety of side effects.

Anxiolytics numb your thoughts

We become anxious when our thoughts spin faster than our lives. But it is true that anxiety in itself is not good or bad as an emotional reaction. Anxiety becomes pathological if it limits you for a certain period of time. It can also be problematic if it curbs your experience and your development.

In this regard, Dubin (2009) wrote:  “Should we really be ashamed of panic disorder? No. To me, panic disorder is comparable to the physical vomiting reflex. Vomiting is neither good nor bad. This is something that happens and usually serves to empty the stomach of harmful substances. But wouldn’t you ever want to vomit in public? The first thing you would do if you started to feel unwell would be to go to the nearest toilet to avoid any embarrassment. Vomiting is not something you like to do in front of other people. The same goes for panic disorder. ”

If you regularly use pills, these become painkillers for life in general. They stun your senses and your thoughts. They can make you get rid of your pain without having to deal with the underlying causes. Eating anti-anxiety tablets is like turning off the smoke alarm while the fire is still raging.

This is a very unhealthy habit. The use and abuse of these drugs causes us to be exposed to their effects. Sometimes we can resort to medication to alleviate the intensity of the despair that anxiety causes. But medication is not the only treatment we have available.

When we suffer from anxiety, it is important to reshape our thoughts. We need to re-learn how we can function in our world and this is something we need help with. Therefore, we should turn to psychologists and psychiatrists. With the right help, you can avoid becoming addicted to strong drugs. You can also solve your problems in a healthy way instead of putting your trust in the pills on your bedside table.

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