Reading Books Is Not Living, But It Enriches Your Life

Reading books is not about living, but it enriches your life

Reading books is one of the best ways to feel alive. We can allow ourselves to sink into a great ocean where we disconnect our minds from the outside world.

What does reading mean to you? Some say we read so as not to feel lonely. Others say they choose to read to enrich their lives.

Reading books is a universal phenomenon, occurring all over the world and in all its cultures. It is something that all family members can enjoy.

If you are a person who enjoys sitting and reading a good book in the evenings, we are sure that you will be able to identify with what we are going through in this article.

Children’s books

As we begin to learn to read and write, we get to try reading our first books, and these often turn into unforgettable memories later in life.

Sometimes when we close our eyes, we feel that we again want to feel those intense experiences that our children’s books gave us when we were little. Exactly those books where our name is still written on the first page.

Somehow these old books are like photographs of the soul; as small universes that contain large parts of ourselves.

Children reading

They are full of emotions hidden in a sea of ​​words that still touch us, and that make us sometimes wonder if children nowadays have the same passion for books that we had. The world is of course different nowadays, with a society that is full of technology and that does not touch books as much as before.

However, it is worth trying to get children to read books. How can this be done? Try the following simple strategies:

  • Try to introduce books early in children’s lives.
  • It is good to lead by example. If books are something that your own life is filled with, it will be easier for your children to embrace reading.
  • Do not try to get them to read books that they do not want to read. We read books out of curiosity and the freedom that books give us.
  • Set times for book reading. Choose a specific time and day when children can read books.

Books are the art of the senses

Books are something you can take with you anywhere. You can take them with you when you travel; on the plane, train or bus: they are small islands that we can use to escape to when we feel like it.

You may have once wondered why old books have such a distinctive scent that we are captivated by them.

– This is due to a secret that is hidden in the pages of the book. It has to do with lignin. This is a polymer that occurs in the plant kingdom, and which helps the trees to stay upright.

– All old books have been produced in this way, and the scent that occurs with this substance is enhanced as the books get older.

Nowadays, a different process is often used, so it is not often that you notice this scent in newly produced books. And today we also read more and more books in digital format.

To read books to be free, to be happy

Reading books is more than just a refuge; it is to relive old stories that allow us to enter fantastic worlds… When you finish a book, you realize that you are no longer the same person.

To read is to be able to return to reality at any time while knowing that the world of the book is waiting around the corner as soon as you feel like returning to it.

When you read, you know that this is not to live, but it is a way to enrich life and its days.

Woman reading

What is life like for people who have never opened a book? Gandhi put it this way:

Life gives us wisdom, there is no doubt about that, but whoever reads and gilds his life with books will get even more wisdom from life in the end.

– Many people think that those who read too much do not live a real life, but they are wrong. Reading books is a way to better prepare for life.

A good book allows us to reflect on many things in life that give us stress and anxiety. Books give us tips and advice, they calm us down and give us new knowledge.

Those who read a lot will also be better at expressing themselves in writing. There are simply benefits to reading.

Pictures from Зенина Ксения and Erin McGuire.

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