Get Out Of Your Prison To Move Forward

Get out of your prison to move forward

There are times when there seems to be no way forward, when everything is getting worse and the universe is against you. But most situations are just as difficult as we make them. Moving forward is easy if you can get out of your prison.

It is normal to see people exaggerating everything that happens and getting nervous about not having control over the results of every decision they make. Knowing how things will be before starting or preparing for the future down to the smallest detail – or at least trying – causes constant frustration for many.

But is it really necessary to make the present so complicated in order to establish everything that will happen? Wouldn’t it be better to get out of your prison?

Life has so much more to give you than your mind can comprehend. Why do we lock ourselves in a prison where absolutely everything is controlled and planned? It does not have to mean that you wander around lost, but that you leave the door open for the fate that awaits you. For your destiny will always be there.

In this way, if it is bad, we can in most cases choose between suffering because of it or confronting it.

Listen to your inner voice

But how do you find the way? Listening to yourself will give you clues. If you are able to be honest, to silence the voices that say what you have to do or what is “politically correct”, you will hear your inner voice.

And when you feel you have to do something outside of your plan, something different, you should not fight against yourself. Explore what your inner voice wants. Clarify what you need to do and look for a way to do it within your means.

But above all, trust the journey. Only in that way can you enjoy it and benefit from it. Only in that way can you find a way to express your feelings, grow, be yourself and move forward. But to get that far, you must first get out of your prison.

Often all our potential is forced into a prison cell that only we have the key to. But why do we do that? Why do we create a life for ourselves that cuts our wings instead of helping us fly? Why do we settle for a mediocre life when we have so much potential?

The truth is that the idea of ​​living with everything controlled and planned seemed very convenient. However, settling down can be very deceptive. To open the door to your cell, start by getting rid of the narrow vision that does not allow you to see beyond. The one that does not let you think about all the possibilities that appear.

It is true that we sometimes settle down as a consequence of previous experiences. Suffering and pain fill our emotional baggage with fear, complex and limiting beliefs. But what if you turn this emotional baggage into a toolbox?

It’s one thing to know you have the key, but something completely different to be brave enough to open the door and walk out of your prison. Fear is hidden during every decision we make. The fear of failure, of the unknown, of not being good enough, of making mistakes or of being judged, stops us.

But doing nothing is how we begin to feel remorse, as if we will die without having lived. Do you have a fear of failure but are not afraid of losing the chance to triumph? Are you afraid of failing, but not of losing a good idea? Are you afraid of being judged, but not of how you will feel in the future?

If you do not let fear guide your actions, you will never regret making an important decision. Even if you fail, even if it goes badly… Every step is important for your personal growth. Every step you take is closer to your goals – even the step that failed – so give yourself the chance to feel the freedom to make brave decisions.

Your prison is your comfort zone. No one can keep you there. Come out and open your mind to the world. Your comfort zone will stay where it is if you want to go back. Remember you have the key. You are free to not only leave it, but also come back.

You have to take the risk of putting one foot outside, and then the other. If you think you are doing the right thing, embrace the risk. You do not have to throw yourself into something if you are not prepared. Do it step by step. Slowly but surely you will start to feel more secure and above all become more satisfied with yourself.

Uncertainty about risk plays its own role. As you get used to this uncertainty, as you learn to deal with it, your fear will give way to curiosity and the desire to continue.

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